Anyone want to make some $? -Roadtrip

I am trying to figure out how to get this subie out to Rochester if I buy if from this guy in Long island. So far, the guy has offered to drive it up to Albany. I can have it deliver it to my house and have my parents complete the transaction. However, neither of my parents can drive stick. I need someone who can drive it to bring it out to Rochester.

I will pay for gas, train ticket home, plus (approx) $100

I still have to work out the details which is why I say approximately. Once out in Rochester I can help you get around to places in the city such as colleges or whatever if you want to meet up with friends or people you know, you can crash out my house if you need to, and I can get the train ticket back for whenever you want.

Of course, you must be a relatively decent individual who I can trust to not wreck a car, hand in hand with that you must have a valid license and not be a common name in the police blotter.

Anyone game?

UM YES… when??

ill do it for ya when and where?

I can do it on a weekend if that works for you, possibly with my own ride back also. PM me if your serious about it.

Mike, I can help you out. I know some people out in Rochester I wouldn’t mind seeing.

Ok, interest is good. Lemme work out some details with the guy and Ill post up what date will work when I find it out.

sounds like a plan

now start underbidding each other, to see whos the real official whore on the forums and will do it for the least amount of money LOL :lol

lol ill do it for like 20 bucks i just wanna take a nice leasuire ride

wow, youre cheap! i was expecting prices to come down in 5-10 dollar increments, youre just like BAM! 80% off

I’ll do it for $5 and a handshake

you pay for the gas in ur scooby and my train home and ill do it for fun

but id need notice.
but it looks like uve got alot of people already interested.

yea, lots of options here.

Would anyone want to go down to NYC to pick it up and drive all the way out? Thats a 6 hour drive so its a bit more of a pain. But if people are willing to take less money I would be able to cover your train ticket down there.

When do you want this done, b/c I could do that as long as my buddy is still living in Manhattan.


Hm, can’t go to the city this weekend, but I could drive it out Sunday from Albany if the guy brought it up. It seems like you have a lot of volunteers here though haha.

I would so do that… but time is an issue for me

It will be a few days. I have to work out the payment, the insurance, and plates. Huge hassles especially for me to get all of that and get the to the car.

Next weekend I could definitely do it.

I’m waiting for somebody to post that they would do it without the plates and insurance.

I’d offer my V1 for that brave soul to use :thumb