WTH: Truck and Trailor

I need to find someone who is willing to trailor my jetta up to utica ny. i will be picking up a mk2 gli, and will probably be dropped off in rochester with the car. i’ll be spending the night there, registering the car, and driving home in the next few days.

pm me if your interested.

yes!!! dan’s threats have paid off you’re finally going.



rochester? drinking? yes?

shit ya, my friend lives by rit. i’ll probably be staying with him for a few days. if your in that area hit me up, its long overdue.


BUMP for a sweet dudebro.

ttt. someone, help.

i thought you said you had this under control?

weight of car
does it need a trailor -or- just a 2whl dolly?

its a mk3 jetta vr6, so it weighs in at around 3000 lbs. and i dont need a flatbed, a 2 wheel dolly would work fine.


edit - i’ll even supply the food for the trip. what kind of sub do you like lol?

PM me all the details and we might be able to work something out.

I am actually taking an empty trailer to Albany this weekend.

So I could help you one way :bloated:

my cell # is 7162285304. call me, dont be shy… lets set something up.