Anyone watching UFC 88?

Also fighting Matt Hamille and Rich Franklin. Matt Hamille is actually from the area (sorta). He lives in Utica. Both fights should be good to watch. If you didn’t plan on watching it, you definitely should!

UFC FTW…in my free time i actually do some MMA training in Jiu Jitsu and Tie boxing…i love this sport

Where do you train?

a buddy of mine teaches at Empire Martial Arts of central and we built our own mat in his basement and i get home schooled lol

i use to train there two. for thai boxing

Usenet FTW

ill watch the franklin fight tomorrow, hes one of my favorite fighters

wow all i have to say is wow…chuck got knocked the fuck out…matt hamill got the mean liver kick and lost…not the best pay per veiw but it was alright

Spa City Jiu Jitsu FTW…Renzo Gracie is cool as hell

Yea, definitely 2 big upsets lastnight. The Hamill fight got stopped too soon IMO. My mouth just about dropped to the floor when I saw Liddell get knocked the fuck out. I couldn’t believe it. I’ve seen pretty much every single Liddell fight and aside from the other knock out he took from Rampage, that one was VICIOUS.

I’ve really enjoyed watching Rashad Evans mature as a fighter. NOBODY gave him a shot on TUF when he was in the heavyweight division…and he won. Nobody thought he’d beat Sean Salmon…he kicked him stiff. Then they said Bisping was going to crush him…he won a decision. The only fight I feel he underperformed was vs Tito and that fight was deemed a draw (which I still say is BS because I think Evans won the fight easily).

A lot of people don’t like Evans because he’s a “smart” fighter and gameplans very well for opponents. He’s not a Chuck or Axe Murder Silva who’s going to come out and try to knock someone out every fight with wreckless aggression on his feet.

Loved the fight, loved the result…Rich Franklin made Matt Hamill look horrible last night. I don’t know what happened to Hamill but he looked like he didn’t want to be in there fighting. Just seemed distant in his approach.

Was happy to see Hendo win also. Guy is freaking awesome. Was anyone else shocked to see how his opponent was built for a 185 lb fighter? The dude was build like a fucking bulldozer.

evans will still be the underdog no matter who he fights next. One punch KO is impressive and pleases the viewers, but it doesn’t display his skill level. the fight was pretty even until that one punch. Evans fight vs salmon was the same way. Poor salmon just happen to misjudge the kick ( I think he even leaned into it, forgot what happened really) and BAM, out cold! Evans needs to dominate a top contender to get any credit.


Evans simply got lucky with the punch. He caught him open and hit him right on the button and put his fuse out.

He’s fighting Forrest next for the light heavyweight title.

good luck getting a one punch KO on Forrest

for you justin:

… and I’ll counter that awesomeness with this massively queer act:

Yeah, there will be no 1 punch KO vs Griffin…however the last guy that beat Griffin (Jardene) is the same guy that also beat Liddell and helped Evans train for the Liddell fight…I expect him to gameplan very well for the fight.