Anyone work in a hospital or have access to the gowns?

So I’m being crippled Tom Brady for halloween and I need to borrow a hospital gown for the weekend. (that, or maybe i just like the breeze :pedo: ) I know there’s some people here that work in hospitals. Anyone able to help me out?

if not go buy some scrubs from the UB bookstore across from south campus

yeah i have access to blue scrubs but i think the dress with the rear ties is more appropriate for playing brady :gay:

weak. yer gonna have everyone asking you who the hell yer supposed to be.

not if he can somehow convince giselle to come with him :pimp:

Not if he wears a Brady jersey. And yes the scrubs would make it look like you work at a hospital.

um brady jersey with hospital gown underneath, rainbow eye black, crutches, air cast?

i think people should be able to figure it out

I dont think my chick could pull off gisele, shes going the cheerleader route instead

bump for day crew. someone hook a brotha up


i’m looking for the same thing

I’m going to lol when you fall off a porch and break your leg.

well at least he will be prepared :gotme:

I had to walk around for 2 months in an immobilizer and crutches, I don’t want to ever do it again, let alone for fun haha.

Best of luck though!

You can actually buy scrubs of many colors and designs as target on transit.

I’ll even give Brady some of my clothes for his Joe costume next halloween :tup:

im checking on this for you

Can get gowns, but I’m not in Buffalo. Sorry.

Any luck?..Would like to see this go down.

I got you one joe, pm me

think i could get one if i went to a hospital and just asked them for one?
