or buy: mylec goalie street hockey pads, white sbres socks

I would like to find a pair of white sabres socks


(the white ones)

also those shitty mylec street hockey pads (or whatever there is)


I had some but threw them away years ago.

all for a halloween costum. Got a jersey on ebay for $39!!! and have some blue pants I can wear. Just looking for the rest. thanks

god the old Mylec pads were the best! I used to have multiple sets.

I may have a set of sabres socks. i’ll take a look.

I’d like to buy sabres socks if possible (if not I’ll def return them). They’re sweet, I want a set!

Check great skate for the socks if you wanna buy them.

I called them and he said they didn’t have them

i have a set of those pads somewhere in the house. i will look for them and let you know.

I checked and the socks I have aren’t sabres socks. Sorry.

maybe Leisure/Holiday/Sabreland?

Is your costume going to involve blood?

If so, I know what you’re doing and that’s rad.

Guess you don’t need a neck guard…

Lmao, tasteful lol.

Make sure you include the shotgun wound to the head too lol.

I think it was a .22

Haha I think youre right, he was hunting rabbits, there would be nothing left of one with a shotty lol… whateva!

haha i was thinking that, but the makeup would be too difficult

I haven’t yet figured what to do about the laceration though. do I make a wound, or just a bunch of fake blood?

will fake blood come out of a white jersey?

fake blood stains everything.

hmm. i could attach something solid from a string and put it around my neck

or just only get the fake blood on my neck

or just use real blood. i got the tendon severed in my hand at practice years back. I was wearing a white jersey at the time, and my whole arm was soaked in blood. my mom got it all out!

Use red Koolaid mix and laundry soap…should come out.

Hey found those goalie pads if you want to use them let me know.

yes please. is there a number I can reach you at? 725-5366 is mine. thanks!

anyone? i replied here and pm’ed bronco32 but he never got back to me