Anything fast in here?

do you have an education?

ya i do but my spelling sucks
does it really bother you that much?
i think you may suffer from ocd

Oh, I agree, looks like Ed just wanted to start a fire in a school basiclly, an odd style for sure. I honestly think it was all for the drama of it… with hopes he could lure out someone fast…

Ed, Shift is a community forum, not a racing forum… there are a half dozen real fast cars, maybe another decent batch that would surprise the shit outta you if you were rollin in a stock vette… but there are some real good dudes here that your randomly firing at… stop shooting at civilians.

Roll racing is king these days because of front wheel drive.

lets lay out the cards right now.

on here im a shit talker and love to start shit/keep it going. im sure if/when we meet at the lot or at some other car related event we will be able to shake hands and shoot the shit. this happens a lot on this site and i have a ton of good friends now from this almost exact thing happening. either way welcome to the shit show that is SHIFT518! :thumbup

jammer got it right .
i was just starting shit
im cool in person come say hello if ya see me

Are all you retards not seeing the point here?

There are two types of straightline racing cars. Diggers and rollers.

Diggers have well setup suspension, weight transfer, rear tire setup (not talking put some DR’s on and run it, I am talking air pressure, sidewall composition, tech shit.) DT is built and configured to take a wallop down low, quickly. 4.xx and higher R&P’s.

Rollers have suspension set for stability at speed, less weight transfer moving around, tires and wheels at all four not just the power transfer end(s) for grip and stability. The DT is built to hold alot of power and not strip apart, usually not ment to hold a massive clutch dump down low from a non moving state, R&P’s are usually less than 4.xx to move the speed & power band up farthere.

Thats usually why diggers run quick ET’s with lower traps, and rollers are higher traps VS ET’s. Its alot like asking a texas mile car to run a local 1/8th mile bracket racer. The machines simply arnt in the same ball park. We all build cars to suit our needs and wants.

If serious competition is wanted, IN YOUR CLASS, I only know of a few cars on here that can and would offer you some competition. Its alot like bringing a knife to a gun fight… both will work and kill someone, just do it differently.

well said…
i came here looking for those few cars your talking about.

I know at least 2 or 3 of the quicker honda’s that will dig on the street it just has to be set up in advance because its harder for them to drive on the street with slicks then it is you

are theres cars still out ?

In all reality, I have seen Eddy win and occassionaly even lose, and he does both with class… but if a hatch beats him, and there is that chance, we could see our very first , live, ShiftSuicide. Rofl Truth

Hatchbacks FTW

I know at least one is but another has the head torn off being sent out to get some work done on it.

nice mine wont be together too much longer.
hoping to put a pair of 88s on it over the winter.

Your best bet is trying to get arod to come out with Juans car

is he on this forum?

: P

that would ruin all the fun, im enjoying this thread lol.

so i take it you’ll have no problem putting down money then to race in the spring. if your interested, like i said before its a turbocharged honda, built 4 cylinder, street car not a gutted race car. ill even get you a newspaper to read while we race, not like you’ll be busy having to actually do anything in the car. so do you just press resume on the cruise control or do you actually press the gas yourself?

Thanks bro. I am looking forward to meeting you… which will be soon I think, you will understand later. :rofl

Anyways, hopefully come mid summer next year, we will have a classic coal rollin truck that might just line up with you, like a David VS Goliath thing. With that being said… I am going to look for a PG adapter to a 444cu international harvester motor. :ninja

ive ran there before with and without problems, luckily I’ve never gotten pinched. honestly its got so bad its not even worth going anymore. please dont lump a bunch of PR rice with legitimate imports, they are the reason its gotten so bad at the ext in particular. there is an obvious stigma ever since imports have started racing that just didnt exist 10-15 years ago. ask any cop they are a lot more likely to target an import even for a basic violation like exhaust, let alone street racing. im not making excuses as to why not to dig race, im just explaining why the forum members, and more so the younger generation sometimes prefer roll racing, its just less trouble. we all know it doesnt give you a full picture of the cars potential and its driver, but its a safe way to have fun, and race which we all love to do. its not like we dont dig race, we do but not against every tom dick and harry that wants a run.

lets face the facts our generation, or some might say the imports have changed street racing forever. some say its because of FWD, id say thats def part of it, but it was also much easier to go from a dig worry free a while ago.

dont take my message the wrong way. i love dig racing, even more so than i love roll racing, in the past ive just mostly kept dig racing to the track, FWD with slicks is very unsafe on the street.

Yea I think his screen name is arod on here