Anything fast in here?

so sr ownes it?

yup just an audi…somehow i am thinking my wheels are worth more then your whole car. Again your an idiot you coming here talking shit …do us a fav come out someday and properly intro yourself like an adult. Not some trailer park inbreed who is living proof that trailer parks shouldn’t have internet acccess.

yup , …who r ya .

WOW you got nice wheels???
FUCK ME im not playin with you!

Dont worry i can back up my shit talkin…can you??

hey trav i may have a dent in my fender, but tell me again where your sti is ?

lol nothing to back up it’s all fact in my previous statement. :lol

Like i said…stfu and go polish your wheels and my cock while ur at it

dude, shut the fuck up. seriously man. you dont even have a car

I dont??
How about this
Ill put up $100 cash…not alot but something to make it worth while
Any takers???

pm sent

Ill double it


100 that you actually own a car?

I will take that bet.


So how about it ??
If i dont have a car you should take my money no problem since ill be on foot.

some one shut this putz up lolol