anything tonight? 9/26

hey guys maybe looking for somthing to do tonite…anyone meeting up?

probably the usual southgate thing, should stop by

i just may…what time you guys all going, i dont really know anyone there but look for my focus, my name is nick

no southgay…lets do a mighty meet instead if its not raining

nick, give me a call if you want to meet up. i want to race teh foci from a dig again… if it drys up… i have gay snowtires on now tho

well if i can finish putting back together the rear of my car, and can install the new cd player checking for that gay ground on the aftermarket security system behind the head unit, and fix it…or just remove the whole gay thing alltogether and get my car to START…sure, i’ll be there…

well, where we wanna meet, and joe, no racing for me for a while…i ran out of maf and i cant take the car over 3000rpms till i get a mustang GT unit

its totally gonna rain tonight

im bored too, and wouldnt mind meeting up wherever

i dont mind driving out to southgate, there seems to be hella domestics rolling around always trying to race my ‘lancer’

ill check down at soutgate around 8:30 then

I’ll only be out if anyone is out rolling around 3am. XD

if your good at psych you can help me with my test(s)

I’m 3 weeks behind

me and mr splner might be around later…he wants to “lose again” to the purple lt1:bloated:

wish I would have seen this sooner, Myself and few people were at advanture landing playing Initial D, then Jims and the pool hall all right near mighty :tup: oh well

well i showed up and waited around a little while, trying to get my tune straight in the process, only other car that showed was the purple LT1, and i left after about a half hour of sitting there. then on my way home i blew a radiator hose and my car overheated and died. NOT FUN

whoa, that is an awful night ^^^that’ll learn ya to stay home and watch monday night football…g/l with th ebeast

haha yeah, my power steering went last saturday too, so my car is basically falling apart since i built the turbo kit

small price to pay

and u didnt call me y. ass!

my car is basically falling apart since i built the turbo kit

yeah thats what usually happens

yeah i should have everything taken car of within the next few weeks…haha just in time to put her away for winter. o well, next summer im gonna start building up the spare motor i just bought