3/30 southtowns meet....

looks like it should be a good night…just got the 91 civic and i would like to take it out for some runs and see what im dealing with…whos down for friday evening maybe meet up at taffy’s or mighty?

I’m down even though I drive a pickup truck lol. I’m always up for a meet.

i got my car back last night :tup: ill be down

ill be down what time?

8 or 9ish? where we goin mighty or taffys?

Damn, I’m out. I’ll stop by after the movies with the girl.

i’ll be there if its early… (like 8ish)

i got as long night of drinking ahead of me

well ill be out cruising either way…if anyone wants to stop by around then ill be there…

mighty or taffys?

prob mighty…there doesnt seem to be enough interst for a taffys meet

I’m down if more people show interest for either one. I’ll bring the radio flyer.

haha alright ill see u guys down there and u can see the civic with 18’s in person lol

Wait, southtowns mighty or the usual mighty? I’m confusored?

well i was going to go to the southtown mighty but i may head up that way i just wanna get some good runs in and some tape tonight.

hrm…I might be down for the “normal” mighty…what exactly is done to this civic???

so um…where was everyone???

:word: lol

only me, chris, ken (bladez) and devin were there


Indeed, I wanted to see a baby-seal get clubbed. Or at the very least a good race. :frowning:

burned out my alternator…tried to fix it in time but the dumb bitch gave me the wrong one. maybe try for tomorrow night? ill be around though…

we are going to go kill the woman who works at auto zone tomorrow. the alt. she gave us clearly has a Mitsubishi logo on it.