Calling out: Top 5 on the list. Taffy's. Tonight. 6/11/06

Be there! :slight_smile:


I think the meet moved to mighty. Not sure

make up ur mind

Im going to mighty

I’ll be out on the boat tonight sry.

Im down for taffy’s if anyone is going…

i want to go to taffys

where are the fast cars gonan be, mighty or taffys!!!

mighty like always…i dont see taffys getting big until mid summer

so were meeting upat mighyt?

The fast cars are going to Taffys. I’m bringing 3 over 500 hp so far.

what time???

why taffy’s??

seriously… you live closer to mighty.

that will prolley be the only 3 cars too :lol:

I’m more in the mood for taffy’s. Me + mighty’s food = no

I’m in for taffy’s.

ill be at taffys… taffys > mighty, unless its the op mighty

What time?

There are always 30-60 cars at Taffy’s on Sundays. We’ve never been the only ones there.

We just had a quick little run with Fastmofo in one of the “slower” cars. Pretty close.

Im putting in new suspension and brake upgrades, I’ll be around in a few days