apparently costco does sell everything|20595&lang=en-US&whse=BC&topnav=

that just seems wrong

I’m guessing the markup on a casket is huge though, because it’s a time where the last thing people are thinking about is money.

The FAQ:|20595&N=4000794&Mo=0&No=0&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=20609&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&topnav=

get a few in bulk if you plan on offing the parents/girlfriend/kids

just brought back a terrible memory

Call the 800 number:
“I need a shotgun, some gloves, bullets, duct tape, a mop and 3 caskets.”

^ lol.


don’t forget a shovel and some lime
fail! not everything.

that because they taste like shit :gotme:


Billy thats because all the sales guys from sahlens are FUCKING horrible IMO.

Your dad really needs to have someone train these guys better, I heard tons of horror stories from restaurant owners in a few states.

First one that comes to mind is Schnappers which is a hot dog/burger place on Sanibel Island,FL. The owner is from Buffalo, super nice guy and kind of disappointing when I went in there and found wardinski signs after always relying on him for sahlens.

on topic, CostCo has better prices and the best return policy than any other membership only based whse out there. I’m in costco almost everyday =)

yeah but like, how do you return a coffin.
Hotdogs are gross as hell, but if im going to eat one, sahlens only.

place fuckin rules

korbel, tide, and 35 bottles of deer park for like nothing last night


i swiffed the hell out of the kitchen