CUTCO Knives

So I live in Olean across the street from Erick Laine, the Founder and former CEO of CUTCO Knives and he just happens the own the house that my wife and I rent. Well he wanted to come over and meet us so he came over and even brought us a set of knives as a wedding present!!! HOLY CRAP!!! I was so impressed with this man, not because he brought us the knives but because he’s the most down to earth multi-millionaire I’ve ever met. It was great to be able to talk to someone who created a business like CUTCO. The point I guess is that i realized why the company was so successful. Mr Laine never lost the basic principals he started with, real high quality products and great service for a fair price.

I’ll tell you that those knives are the best knives I’ve ever used in my life and Mr Laine is absolutely someone I look up to.

Anyone ever use/own a set?

My parents have a couple sets… they are AMAZING knives… :tup: to what sounds like a good guy

Good knives…very sharp…I know this…

i was incredibly impressed by him, incredibly impressed

what does he drive? how nice is his home? j/w.

Have a few. Very nice design as well

great knives.I almost got a job there when I lived in Cuba.Tell him your Uncle/brother wants a set for cost.cough zr1ridecough:wink:

Keep in touch with him. You should keep people like that close.
Sounds like a worthy role model.

the only thing sharper than a cutco… chuck norris

Got a set of them, and dammm they are sharp. Great product :tup:


My mom every year took her set down to the factory to get them sharpened when they visited me at Bonas.
Plus you can pick up cheap ones at the store that have slight discolorations in the handles.

My parents own a set. Very nice knives. I cut myself the first time I used one when they were new. fucking finger didn’t stop bleeding for a while.

Dave, I had a set at my place down in Florida(gave them to the neighbors when I left, his wife loved them). They are incredible knives, lifetime warranty no matter what the reason that you are dissatisfied with them they will replace at no cost.

I use to sell them. Have the selling kit of them at home, they are fking nasty sharp

parents have them. They rock.

Yeah, they’re sick.
Great knives.
Unless you’re accident prone.
Then they’re maybe not so great for you.

i used to sell them too… good stuff, love them.

I just read about him/cutco in the newspaper. Good story.

Someone on here should sell them.I think you get to buy them for half off.Was going to buy a set for the pizzeria but never got around to it.

We use them for awhile at our restaurant. The one knife had the tip break off, dunnoo how. the other just got dull quick, they were sweet for awhile, my moms chucked em like a retard before we could send em back to be replaced!