Apple MacBook Event (10/14/08 1PM)

Here is a drinking game for the event. Who wants to take off tomorrow?

  1. Kill yourself for caring about a new laptop so much

I’m pouring as much $$$ as I can into apple. I have a feeling that their stock is going to skyrocket this week (or at least tomorrow)

oh…so thats why UBmicro is selling off macbook pros at a discount

The article it was on actually said “for most people, they dont find anything to get excited about a new wave of laptops.” and said to use this game to make the event fun.

lol at the drinking game

LoL, thats great.

I hope the new macbook sucks, so that I don’t have to go out and buy one.

and my fully loaded macbook pro is going to be obsolete :frowning:

should be no suprise… apple waits until the kids buy all their back to school computers… then they have a sale to clean out inventory… then the release the new ones.

can’t you upgrade most of it to the new specs? (processor/memory)

My god people in the apple store today were calling and asking about this.

Seriously, I see why Microsoft doesn’t have a store. I can’t believe the questions and shit these guys deal with on a daily basis. People complaining that their laptop has a dead pixel or gets too hot or “Cant find the icons”.

no this is a clean slate, not just an upgrade. switching from intel GPU to two NVIDIA chips is the last one i heard…

really? The Pro’s had an integrated Intel craphics chipset? wtf? lol that’s lame as hell

BTW, my Apple stocks almost doubled today (so far)… hell yeah

No, the MacBook Pro had a dedicated card. ATI or NVidia depending on the model.

Yup. Apple has an agenda.

Word is too expensive and not worth the upgrade with the new model. Watching the release now.