April Beat this caption Contest

:crackup :crackup :crackup :crackup

Chuck Norris finally found a glory hole that can accommodate him.

" It puts the lotion on its skin!"

i dont get it?

Never saw Joe dirt?

i did, i guess i missed it/dont remember. anyways sorry bout off topic, but i was trying to hard to get it. :lmao

You know it’s originally from Silence of the Lambs, right??

The Chinese government was astonished to find out their occupants disapproved of their new means of population control.

Holy shit, you just divided by zero, didn’t you?

“Just when you thought Albany potholes were bad”

“After years of being ignored by his co-workers and supervisors, John decided to show them he was not just in fact, another hole in the ground.”

“What Milton would have done if Office Space 2 came out”

marty, where we’re going we don’t need roads.

There’s a hole in the ground


VOTBLINDUB: Fucking Albany potholes! They better pay for my rim!

“This just in, local Nagasaki residents are almost finished with rebuilding the hole that the Americans left years ago”

“Tonight on 60 Minutes. Are American women getting to fat? Check out this footage of when an American woman recently visited Europe and tripped over a loose skin flap from her own ankle”

:bowdown :crackup :number1

shit shit shit, i just cracked another rim you guys! photo attached! :lol

by your comments combined! I AM CAPTAIN SIDEWALLS!
little captain planet reference there for ya