Arm Drop Live '09

I think someone would almost believe you if it were not for insurance regulations stopping “Pinks” from being ran in Canada.


pink slips in canada = insurance slips…
so did you pay for someones else’s insurance for a month

aside from that elongated shagwagon from the 80s there was nothing exciting there i have not seen before that caught my attention… maybe the boat…

I was generally not enthused when I saw a retired guy get hassled by mto for being over the weight limit on his trailer dragging his chevelle behind his silverado…

I was even more upset when i saw the mto/opp road check right before the entrance. I think it’s bad for the sport. I’m not going to sit here and explain life to you, but i’ve been going to cayuga longer then you’ve had your license for… and i’ve had several discussions with members of the haldimand county po board on why it’s absolutely retarded what they’re doing and how it’s killing event turnout at tmp…

Chances are, you didn’t get pulled because they had bigger fish to fry and the compound was getting full…

My drag racing experiences have nothing to do with the amount of F bodies with huge slicks, tubbed and caged ripping 12s at 5000rpm down the track… I think it’s a waste of time…

The bug was cool, when i first saw it, like 2 years ago…

Your car is not loud as fuck, it is not in the catagory of loud, adding on the as fuck to the end is really a very large exaggeration.

VTEC is loud as fuck.

lucky i didnt go i would of gotn some nice tickets
thats gutty of the mto right out front with the dyno and everything

You obviously haven’t heard my VTEC yet. :wink:

pretty sure everyone understands that concept! LoL

Rich himself stated that they can not have “pinks” or “insurance slips” in Canada due to some regulations yadda yadda, so they went with 10 g’ pay out.

By what standards are you judging cars now? How can there be anything different when everything has been done? The Beetle has been around for 2 Pinks events yet racing for 3 1/2 years (as told by the owner). Last year there was a lime green shadow all converted, that was cool.

You, me and everyone else was not enthused with O.P.P. We never are. It is the same shit every event. Some Friday nights as well. They perform “spot checks” on EVERY vehicle. At the same time they have every right to be there and to make sure every car is “street legal” especially because 50% of the cars in and out of there have something wrong with them. (legally)

I have been going to TMP for 17 years now. Racing since the day I got my license. Again, MTO makes sense. Yet, AGAIN, I agree with it being extremely fucked up how they have the audacity to sit 300m’s from TMP entrance or at Kohler & hwy 3 (is it?)
Not only does it kill the sport. They keep it up and it will kill the entire industry.

As long as your not being an idiot, or have a stupid un safe looking car. They will generally leave you alone.

Yes, the lot was full around 9:30am. I know cause I was there all weekend. The gates opened and people literally filed in non stop.

Some people find drag racing boring…some don’t.

To watch, and to race is two different things. It’s like watching golf…boring as fuck to watch. Not bad to play. Same as soccer etc etc