greatest show ever. that is super dave. he is hilarious.
i was laughing so hard i drooled everytime jason bateman (charecter name is escaping me right now) would throw something to his son. rofl @ throwing the glass to have a protein shake. and then dead hanging from the monkey bars.
ms theron is a nice addition to the show…no complaints there.
For some reason every time I see Tobias I just start laughing. His new hair had me rolling the whole time. And I love the fact that he is trying to be gay sorta.
News came down over the weekend that Fox is cancelling AD.
Goddamnit. We Americans are stupid fucking people when a show like Joey has been on two seasons already and an intelligent and hilarious show like AD gets the boot. Whats wrong with you retards out there?!?!?!?!
i wish they never would have dropped this show. that being said, i have all the seasons on dvd and watch them everyonce in a while. so many hilarious scenes.