arrested development fans....

you can now watch all of the episodes for FREE!! YAY!

aw sweet!

Damn, I thought this was about the band. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the show before.

I bet the show is better than the band. Haha.

how did i miss this.

<3 AD.

i also love rita with all my heart.

Amazing show.

movie news!

The “Arrested Development” feature has moved closer to reality, with Mitch Hurwitz and Ron Howard reportedly closing deals for the long-gestating project from Imagine and Fox Searchlight.

The possible migration of the critically acclaimed but short-lived Fox series to the big screen has been a hot topic among fans for the past year. Speculation has been fueled by cast members of the show, including Jason Bateman, Will Arnett and Jeffrey Tambor, who have been frequently quoted in interviews that a feature adaptation is in the works.

Hurwitz, who created and exec produced the Emmy-winning series, is on board to write the film as well as direct with help from Howard. The series, from Imagine TV and 20th TV, was a pet project of Howard, who had a lot to do with its distinct visual style. In the final episode, Howard, playing himself, heard the Bluth TV family’s pitch of their story and liked it for a movie.


sweeeet… even more tv to catch up on

Do yourself a favor and watch it. It is amazing!

can’t wait for the movie.