takes way more than 2 lines to get coke dick
I understand the concept, but I’ll also be providing PJB various ED medications to sample.
I have the opposite of ED
It’s true. I smell-check Yo’s fingers when I get home…
Werd, if the wind blows the wrong way on my zipper I’m ruined.
This shit died faster than a CamEro rear end
Have you ever fisted or been fisted?
Do you like butch or petite womenz, and which one are you?
My first masturbation session@age 13 lasted longer than this thread.
Be patient youn’ Grasshoppa.
wow… tough one. Are you looking for celebrity type answers?
def was crushing on girls in third grade.
sorry can’t reveal all my secrets.
No magic tricks… just pay attention to what works/how she responds. Every girl is dif. but the G-spot is always a crowd pleaser.
i actually didn’t mind sex with a guy, i just always had way stronger feelings for chicks.
That’s what I’m sayin’.
How do you know the lez isn’t first deep right now so she can answer one of the more recent questions???
she is cleaning up for her buddy to come over don’t expect a answer back tonight…
sorry dude. had a chick here… its why i get some and you don’t.
are you for or against gay marriage
(i know homos that go both ways (:rofl :rofl))
Srs question-
Do you find any truth in the statement “if she smokes, she pokes”? I’ve heard that female smokers have had 3x the sex partners as non, and I’d tend to agree.
AWESOME!!! another reason u rock!!
I am a good cuddler.
eh… it’s the price a pay.
Never been fisted… nor does that even sound like it would feel good. and i like the chicky chicks typically.
errr. i’ll say marriage is not for me. and that we could make loads of $$ on gay weddings.