ASS Meet April

Albany Speed would like to move forward and have a monthly meet.

Whether a Friday or Sat or one week night is fine with us.

Figure a 8-10,11pm so u can get out to next “party”.

LMK what works for MOST of you and we’ll go with it.

We should Co-op this meet with CRC!

I am ready to do one as soon as this month!

Great LMK



sounds good

interested as well.

i would be in for a friday night sounds fun

Im down

I’m down as well.


I’m down, especially since I got a new job and I have weekends off permanently now

I’ll be there repin CRC! :slight_smile:

Sounds good to me… like to meet some of you jokers

Im in



In for CRC! No offense ASS.

let us know when the first Friday is going to happen.