Assassin's Creed, thoughts?

So this game looks to be pretty pimp, im going to pick it up for the 360 anyone else going to get it?

ya I plan on buying it for the ps3, looks solid from the videos I have seen. It also won a lot of best at E3 awards from journalists.

I love being able to roam freely

I dont know enough about it yet. Im gonna wait on some reviews and if it looks convincing enough, Ill get it for pc.

im going to get it… looks fucking tits

im buyin it, it looks awesome


ya I plan on buying it for the ps3, looks solid from the videos I have seen. It also won a lot of best at E3 awards from journalists.

I love being able to roam freely


I’ll be living at your house that week.

heh, fine by me. I still want you to try warhawk split screen online with me, its super fun

from the 22nd to the 25th I have off school and work, I plan on capitalizing on that free time to play this game

ive been thinking about it…but i dont want anything taking me away from my Halo


heh, fine by me. I still want you to try warhawk split screen online with me, its super fun

from the 22nd to the 25th I have off school and work, I plan on capitalizing on that free time to play this game


Way to tell me you wanted to play that split screen, or that you even got it :bloated:

wtf, it just ended in the middle of the story?!?!

I heard this is part 1 of 3… any scoop?

that game is super repetitive… i cant play it for more than 20 min at a time… sigh

one word describes this game.

MEH :meh:

damn that’s disappointing. i’m glad I didn’t buy this game when I bought NHL 08 for my 360

the odd thing about this game is that it is only as creative as you make it, there are repitious factors but you can complete them by different means everytime

true but its still hitman for retards.

I love the game so far. The controls sometime piss me off.

Edit: If your using 1080i like me or 1080p HDTV, the graphics are great. When you get to certain view points (have to climb the towers) you can see the whole city, it looks spectacular.

I went in with high hopes, but was left pretty well disappointed. It is pretty repetitive as everyone else has said, and I felt that way most when taking the hardcore gamer mentality. “FUCK ANOTHER FUCKING CITIZEN IN DANGER?? GOD DAMNIT.”

On the flip side, when I played it casually, with interest in the story and as gay as it might sound… “trying to get into the character” it was a little more fun. I’d complete things as they came to me, in various ways just to be unique. Instead of always bumrushing the guards, landing a few instant kills, I’d try various techniques. Additionally i wouldn’t just whore the reversal button.

still, i’m glad i burned it rather than paying for it and still havent beaten it ( although I should. )


played it for 3 minutes got confused and haven’t picked it up since.

the beginning takes like 10-15 mins to actually get started… but its an ok game in my book… if you play it like once a week or less its fun to come back to!