Asshair and ... you?

what does 2 wipes have to do with talc?

Goldbond is only good for the coin purse…

some of us are hairy little monkeys.

i dont wear underwear. :wink:

no skids in muh pants :gotme:

but then again i am good to my ass, i use those moist joints, and ass paper with aloe.

nothing. 2 wipes has to do with poop not getting all stuck up on your ass hair

Why doesn’t everyone use those moist wipe things?? They are probably the greatest invention ever. You wouldn’t clean a dirty car with a dry sponge, why wipe your ass with dry paper. And they leave things smelling fresh. Cottonelle Wipes > *

Well that was a great way to start my morning.

…and the whole time we were all picturing this in our heads:

At first I was thinking “Why the fuck didn’t you just take a shower if your ass stinks that bad?” but then I realized it was from someone else.

It is mad funny though. :lol:


I saw that about a year ago… funny stuffs

your girl shaves mine :gotme: