shaving accident this morning

Due to circumstances occuring later on that I won’t mention, I came to the conclusion that my you know what needed a good trim/shave before heading out today. And, with that being said, I grabbed a pair of scissors and headed for the bathroom.

Anyway I won’t get into details but I have to mention one thing. While trimming the hair on my balls, I somehow brought the scissors too close to my scrotum and, well… you can figure out the rest.

I attached a little diagram to this post for those members on here with an IQ lower than 110. My balls are throbbing harder than the autozone axles on Crazyz250’s 333whp Prelude.

Hate that when that happens!

Scissors? U fuckin idiot. Lmao

wtf is that pic suppose to be showing?

What do you use sully, a chainsaw? :hahahaha

mach 3 in the shower.

Kumar status

who shaves their balls… srsly.



So you cut a chunk of your satchel off? How close do you have to get the short and curlies prior to a swipe with a BIC?

I do have to say, don’t take an electric razor to them! Lol, I was a bit drunk and decided to do the same, and you know how when you shave your face and the stubble gets a bit too long and the spinning razor just kind grabs and yanks the lil hairs out…. Yeah… it isn’t fun on your nuts either!

I was trimming my shit with a pair of clippers one day

Well anyways I was trimming the area between my sack and asshole (grundel?)

Anyways I got a little to close with the clippers and a piece of skin got caught in between the blades…

While it was a small nic if you will it hurt like a bitch…

I now use the .12mm attachment to keep this from happening


IDK I trim, not shave. Dont want to look like a prepubescent little boy…

When you first do it, and bang… it feels completely different. But then the novilty goes away and you get used to banging again.

It is worth a shot. I did it mainly casue I have a little ol’ penis and wanted to make it look bigger to the ladies. :cry:

oK…U SHAVE YOUR BALLS? fucking creepy dude

doesnt everyone? :ninja

Good stories, but I can top them all.

Last summer I was single and was fucking around with three different girls, all at the same time. One of them being my current g/f. Anyway, I decided to let the hair in my pubic region get too long between shaves. (For reference, the balls don’t get shaved. Just everything else in that area.)

So I shaved the area as I always do. About 3 days later I notice these little bumps ALL over my region. They itched like fuck and sure as shit I thought I had an STD. So I went to the drug store and got medication for warts and started using it. Another week went by and it was only getting worse. The area was now COVERED in these little bumps and they were bright red at this point. So I wake up one morning about 2 weeks down the road now, with a 103 fever, sicker than all hell. There were huge open wounds on my scrotum and around the base of my penis. They were oozing white/yellow puss and hurt like you have no idea. It was bad. So I went to the ER.

Every nurse I talked to told me it looked like a really bad case of herpes. So now I was really scared. Thinking, who knows what else I have. So i ran through all the tests, only to find out that I didn’t have ANY STD’s. The open sores and bumps were cause from an infection called Foliculitis. Which is when in a recently shaved area, ALL of the hair follicles get infected. The infection got so bad, it spead to my scrotum and into my bloodstream causing the severe fever/nausia. I had to stay two nights btw.

SO the good that came out of that situation was a bottle of 1000MG Hydro’s, and the knowledge to know that shaving down there is not worth the risk. Now I just trim it short and that does the job.

dude… i have no words to describe the nausea im feeling after reading that.


wtf did you use to shave, a rusty spoon?