Ball Hair /Shaft Hair v. hair removal

How do you remove yours ???

Have you ever waxed or nair (or related products that do the same)

Big question here is about the waxing … I was thinking abou trying it


come on

edit: come. on.

I wouldn’t attempt waxing…

ripping the hair out of my junk sounds painfull. I’ll stick with a razor lol.

Haha… honestly, im glad you made this thread. I just snip my ball hair short because honestly, I have always been afraid to take a razor to those guys. How do you do it?

Electric trimmer to everything else.

  1. Really?
  2. Clean it well
  3. Shaving Gel
  4. Razor

Do not use nair, do not wax. Come on.


listen to this guy

come on

Fusion + Neutrogena Shaving cream.

get drunk

^Edit: Damn.

cum on

Pay your Dr. to do it before the snip…


I do it all the time, no pain at all. Feel awesome.

Post back once you’re done, so all the haters back off.

[waits for epic results]

wax is the ONLY way to get it smooth. Lasts longer then a shave too. Give it a whirl.

Lady Janes for 10 bux :slight_smile:


sugar waxing gets the job done i hear :slight_smile: and its painless

spend the bucks and get electrolysis lol