Shaving Razors.

I know it won’t apply to a lot of the members here because my 5 o’clock shadow is thicker then their week old “beard” but the others I’d love to hear opinions.

My electric is getting old (6 years?) and isn’t cutting it anymore (Zing!), time to upgrade.

I hate the inline shavers (foil) and they just simply don’t work on my skin so I’m looking for a new rotary replacement.

Apparently one of the best new innovations is just having more then one circle of blades on each one of the 3 patches to give it much more shaving contact (more then 3x the surface area).

Something along these lines.

But I’m not sure on other brands and features that they’ve got going on.

I assume most of the people here have more modern razors then mine which was used in the middle ages and would be able to share some experiences.

I’m all ears.

And for the record, I still have a regular manual razors (Gilette fuzion) to clean up after electric shaving if I really want a clean shave.

Braun Series 5 FTW! Thanks Tracey!

How is the Braun Series 5 Wayne?

I’ve had a couple shavers but none really can shave close enough, plus my skin is sensitive (gay I know). I have to shave with razors but still can’t shave everyday (razor burn/ cuts my face pretty good). I’m thinking about trying the Norelco with the 3 separate heads. I had a Norelco with the gel, and it kinda worked.

I dunno I love mine… it works awesome… and the auto cleaning is badass. When i first got it my face hurt after the first couple shaves, but once my face was used to it i’m fine. I also have very sensitive skin, and very dry skin. But i dunno, i love it. Its an expensive gamble though :frowning: If you get it and hate it you’re kinda screwed unless you can return it.

I use the Schrick Quattro/trimmer combo dealie…but my 5 o’clock shadow comes in at 5 o’clock the next day :rofl

If it gets too long to shave I trim it down then shave it, trimmer works great lining up my super cool beard too.

No but really, the trimmer sucks. HARD.

If I want to trim my whole beard I have to go over it like nineteen times. It sucks, but it’s cheap.

Oh, and the quattro blades get clogged with hair WAY too easy and starts yanking hair out of my face.

I fucking hate that.

I hate this piece of shit not that I think about it.

Re: blades getting clogged - That’s because they’re dull, buy new ones on ebay for dirty cheap. Feels like new again.

Norelco something-or-other. Bought one new in like 03, broke it a few months ago, went shopping for a new one. They had the SAME DAMN Norelco for sale on the shelf. Shaver technology must not advance very quickly. Bought another one.

How does one go about getting laser hair removal on one’s face? I hate shaving.

I’ve had my Braun for like 2+ years and i’ve never put a blade on it. The thing is just awesome.

had an electric many many years ago, hated it, been using real razors every since.

I dont have an extra 47 minutes in the morning for those shenaCensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredns.


This is with brand new blades even, my aunt usually buys me a shit ton of refills for xmas, I replace every two weeks or so, and this will happen sometimes with brand new refills.

I think it’s because sometimes I try to do my whole face without rinsing? :retardclap

no fucking way it filters shenaCensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredns




you must have spelled it with two g’s. testing… shenaCensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredns vs shenaCensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredns

it takes me less than 5 minutes to shave every other day.

WTF n i g a is censored too? :rofl:rofl



Interesting. Razor ripping skin off will ruin your day. Srsly.

I never rinse? Makes it harder. And my razor shocks me when it gets wet, true story.

i have an electric, but i dont use it. doesnt work for me for some reason. i somehow manage to cut myself with the damn thing. i just use regular ones.

Damn, you should work at a spa with that kind of speed shenaCensoredCensoredCensoredCensoredns.

EDIT: Nope, I spelled it right. What kind of crazy comedy filter did you people put on here?