Shaving Razors.




I might have to try that shaver out, I’ll buy it at walmart, they return practically everything. Do you use any pre-shave stuff, like Lectric Shave?

I hate shaving myself.

I typically grow a full beard by day 3.

I use a Mach 3 Turbo razor…wouldn’t mind getting an electrical one but I’m worried I won’t like it. My Mach 3 does the job (although I have to shave twice since I get it all the first time due to lack of trimmer).

nah man i just get out of the shower and go to town.

Yeah shower softens up your skin…you shouldn’t need anything to get your skin ready. Unless of course you get out of the shower into a cold cold room…your pores will close up and make it harder to shave.

:rofl Spot-on.

Ha ha picture is priceless. I use the mach 3 turbo or some shit

I shave 1x a week (Sat nights before I go out) w/ Gillete Fusion. New blade every time.

Chest gets shaved 1x a week.

Back gets naired every other week.

I have more hair on my chest/back then ANYONE that I know:( I don’t mind the chest b/c it’s easily shaveable, the back is the MFer.

i shave 1-2 times a week, cuz im lazy

I’ve also tried most every razor/cream on the market, and the best shave IMO is with the Fusion and Fusion gel. I also wear my Fusion hat when I shave.

This is absolutely hilarious.
Maybe Singh should also replace ‘fuck’ with ‘gently caress’ and such, reading forums with those filters is a riot.

Same shit I use. It’s awesome.

What is the best way to shave/trim ass hair and pubes? Thanks for your help


Simple electric clippers, 10 bucks at Walmart. Sometimes I’ll use scissors for the hair in my crack, though.

please refer to the swifty ass shaving thread of 2008.

I use a gillete razor…Works fine

On your ass hair?