Assholes DO get the girls(illustrated via Star Wars as examples)

As most of you, who have known me for a while know, I am a rather random guy. I’ve been known to spout completely unrelated things during conversations and go off on tangents barely related to anything I was talking about at the time. This may be one of them. I don’t know where this idea came from, but I had sort of a revelation. Now, bear with me on this one. And oh, it will be MUCH easier if you’ve seen the Star Wars movies.

   Like the title says, I believe that assholes get the girls. I could just say this, or tell you that a lot of people say that, or that I've seen this in person. That's all good, but there isn't really a way for you to relate to what i am saying without a nice example. I think using the Star Wars movies will work out great. Don't ask me why i picked it, it just came to me.

     As a first example, I will use Anakin/Darth Vader. He seemed to grow up as a pretty awesome kid, at first. He was friendly and such and was able to make some pretty darn cool robots and machines(example C3PO, R2D2 and the pod racer). Now, I will not be going into his entire background here, but if you want to know more, do some reading or just watch the movies. He grew up to be a dick, basically. He was a disobedient little shit. He basically became an asshole. He wouldn't listen to his teachers and elders, disobeyed orders and constantly got yelled at. He kept saying that he will change, but never actually did. Look at where he ended up. No, I don't mean a burned up amputee in a life sustaining half robot suit. I mean, look at his personal life. He landed a hot chick, Padme. She could have married another guy, she could have gone for a political marriage with some kind of a prince, but no. She went for the bad boy. At first he seemed nice and lovey-dovey, but later on he became a tremendous prick, like a drunk redneck step dad. Padme wanted to even leave him, but he managed to convince her to stay by reminding her of the wild times they've had. She thought he changed, but the silly girl was mistaken. Lookswise, I do not think that Anakin was what girls refer to as a "hottie" or "hunk" or whatever the expression is. I'd say he's average, but he landed a babe.

      As the second example, I'm going to use Han Solo. Yes, everyone's second favorite hero after Luke Skywalker. Now, at first you might say, "why do you think that Han is an asshole, Vadim?" Here is why. He is a materialistic selfish prick. In the beginning when we first meet the character, he's sitting in a lowlife scum infested bar. He does not have a normal job and is not a very useful member of society. He picks up the flight job because he wants the money and thinks its going to be an easy short little flight and he has no shame ripping off an old man and a kid to shamelessly do so. He is in tremendous debt with Jaba the Hutt, because he hasn't done an honest day's work in his life. He goes to a loan shark and borrows money and doesn't even bother returning it asap. Instead he decides to go to bars, tip a few and keep dodging Jaba. Jaba is at this point fed up with the nonpayer and sends Greedo to remind Han that he needs to just pay his debt back, because it doesn't speak well of him as a person. Han kills the messenger, literally. He shows zero respect or remorse and just walks away after murdering somebody. Han is also a TREMENDOUS cock-block. He sees Princess Leia and immediately goes for the hottie, cockblocking everyone in his way like the first rate asshole he is. He persistently makes obviously unwated advances and passes at Leia, who is simply concerned for her people's well being. The ONLY reason Han hangs out with Chewbaca is because theyre of a completely different species, otherwise he'd never be able to have a partner to do whatever it is that he does. He is also a tool, for the fact that before, during and after rescuing the princess he keeps talking about his tremendous reward. This is the only thing he cares about and he makes that abundantly clear by saying so himself. At the first sign of trouble he grabs all the money, supplies and ammo he can and splits, leaving the rest of the crew to fight for their lives against the Empire. Only a first rate asshole would do something like this. In the end he ends up with Leia anyway. Forgetting the fact for a second that Luke and Leia are siblings, Luke totally had a thing for Leia and she liked him too, but guess who totally wrecked that? You're RIGHT! Han Solo cockbocked Luke. 

 Let's mention the nice guys as well. Luke-no girl. Yoda- no girl. Chewbaca- no girl. Ob iWan Kenobe- no girl. Conclusion? Assholes DO get the girls.

reposting from my facebook Link

cliff notes

dicks get pussy
nice guys do not

^dicks/pussy made me think of team america…FUCK YEAH!! lol

talking about star wars ant helping you problem.
( only read the intro in outtro and thats what i got )

which led to:


oh, im not bitching or anything. its just a small realization/confirmation of a realization that came to me last night

lol @ this thread

this is the weirdest thread

first paragraph explains it :thumbup

haha this is a thread aplineskiier would post

why do u say that?


I LOVE it, I’m :rofl 'ing here.

Seems like something that should go into a personal blog.

Well written, logical and relatable.

I enjoyed reading it. I think its pretty good. But I am a Star Wars fan…

thanks, thats what I was going for. I posted that on my facebook and i IMed redevil and he said i should repost it on shift, so i threw it on here. i randomly came up with this at like 1am and wrote it. then i go to bed and look at that, star wars was on, so i watched that. hahaha

Maybe explaining it using Warcraft or Battlestar Gallatica would help get more girls.

haha, once again, missed my point. im not complaining here.

So basically Failvis should be dating Princess Leia right now?

No, just the ‘girl’ that was meant for Chewbacca.
