Aston is sold..

To Prodrive.

The Daily Telegraph out of the UK is reporting that the sale of Aston Martin to a group headed by David Richards of Prodrive is all but a “done deal” with nothing left but to “cross the t’s and dot the i’s.”

David Richards will head the group which included business interests from the United States and the Middle East. Ford will remain a supplier and is selling the company for a reported £500, half of what they were originally looking for. The deal is expected to be completed on Friday in Detroit.

Could this be good for the company when it comes to racing? Possibly, if they are not constrained by Ford’s control over company. Additionally, with someone as interested in motorsports as Mr. Richards at the helm of the company, it could be a very good thing. Prodrive still has major interests in F1 though and whether or not this will lead to increased sportscar participation, especially here in the US, remains to be seen.

The full article can be read here.


Good news.

sweet. I can’t express how much respect I have for them not selling to Louis Vuiton. :tup:

Great news. Some of the other buyers were kinda sketchy.


THANK GOD it wasn’t to louis vuitton.

Well, thats good news. I will buy one again.

i’m glad prodrive won. i wrote them off to end up like jaguar.

wow, my be we will have a US legal prodrive built car.