Astrodome Volunteer's Perspective

My mother is worth more than leaving her in a nursing home below sea level in hurricane alley in the first place.
If i had to put her in that hell hole I at least would have stolen a boat and saved her ass.
The guy talked to her on the phone for 3 or 4 days!!!
What was he doing that was more important than his mother for 3 days?

Yes lets listen to one Racist Biggoted asshole from Texas, we already have one as a President, he just didn’t write about it, just didn’t care until the country told him to.

Haven’t we learned anything from One Kwick SS? Imagine someone like him going there, just to see what it was like, even though he already knew.

I was listening to the radio today and they were talking about how the towns outside of new Orleans are getting little to no help at all because all the help is being focused mainly on New Orleans. Meanwhile there are others on the outskirts that are dying without help…that sucks when the people we are trying to help dont even appreciate what we are doing.

If my mom was stuck down there, I’d get a friggin boat and some guns and pick Chuck Norris up on the way. Fucking Chuck Norris!!!

i know im going to hell for that comment above

and oh yea … that convention center … it DOESNT HAVE AIR MATTRESSES…that convention center was on the news this morning, i distinctly remember cots, because a few of them werent setup properly and looked more like “lounge chair” style lawn chairs

this artical is quite possibly a fabrication

If that is true then, my friend, you would be insinuating that something on the internet is un-true…my entire reality will come crashing down if that is the case.

I feel really dumb for not thinking that myself…kind of like…a monkey…a retarded monkey


the internet doesnt lie … thats just un-possable