AT@T cell phone help

As many of you know, [email=“at@t”]at@t merged with cingular… this is fine and dandy… i have had my [email=“at@t”]at@t contract for approx 5 years now, i refuse to switch because of my amazing rates, there is not a company that can compare… my issue is my 5 year old [email=“at@t”]at@t phone sucks, its old, i need a new one, the problem is i called the company and they said that they do not offer [email=“at@t”]at@t phones anymore, even refinished… :tdn: my question to all my fellow nyspeeders is does anyone out there have an old [email=“at@t”]at@t cell phone (with charger obviousally), (IT HAS TO TAKE A [email=“AT@T”]AT@T SIM CARD A CINGULAR ONE WILL NOT WORK!) that i could possibly purchase or take off someones hands or off there top shelf collecting dust please… once again it has to take a sim card from [email=“at@t”]at@t… cingular phones will not work, have tried a billion times dont even offer,… thank you very very much, anyones help will be greatly apprecated!!! i check my pm’s often, dont be afraid… thanks

ebay maybe?

Nokia 3595, will work with any carrier, $35

that will work. $120

thats what im using right now… thanks

its a cingular based phone… i have tried a million of these… will not work with my [email=“at@t”]at@t card, unless you have done something amazing then i will def consider this… please pm if you have used it with a [email=“at@t”]at@t card… thanks

you would need to find a list of all AT&T issues phones while they were a standalone company. Then see if anyone has those phones, or look for those phones on ebay. Older phones may be hard to come by.

Any unlocked phone will work with your SIM card. just search on ebay for UNLOCKED GSM phones and make sure they have 850mhz reception and you can get whatever you want.

thank you very much joe… you have made this easier on me…
egay here i come,

edit: did you work for a phone company? im a nub when it come to that stuff

I didnt work for a phone company, i just get more phones that do more cool shit than anyone should.