AT&T GSM phones razr, palm treo, SD cards, etc

I have a box of the families old phones. So far I have counted 2 regular razrs, razr V3xx with 2 gig micro SD card, razr 2 V8, Palm Treo 750, and a Motorola V551.

I got some boxes, home/auto chargers, and cases. Nothing is stolen, just not being used.
I am still sorting, testing and putting stuff together. I will try to post pictures eventually.

If you want something make an offer, or shoot me a pm.

I forgot to mention I am in Detroit now, but I can ship it.
Otherwise I can meet up next time I am if Buffalo.

pics of palm?

will u sell just the 2gb micro SD card?

Sure I will sell the card, what do you want to pay?

If you PM me a phone number or e-mail I can send you the pics of the Palm quicker than loading them here. Right now I have only found the USB charger and the battery is dead so I am working on getting it booted up.

what is the cheapest you will sell it for?

$5 shipped for the card?

The Palm Treo has no cracks or major marks , I just hard reset it and played around with it. Only issue is the menu button and “up” appear to be recessed. Not sure if you can take the face plate off and work with it. Both buttons can be used by “playing” with them, but the Menu being much easier than the “up”. Granted the stylist can be used for operation. Also the
$20 shipped for phone and USB charger. Add $3 for the docking station since it will make shipping a pain. Also have a a 2GB mini SD card for the Treo, $5?

And if you use paypal either a bank account or you cover the paypal fees.

Edit just noticed the side of the Treo case has a crack on it and it is a pain in the ass to unlock because of the button issue. Assume this thing will tick you off if you try to use it as a daily phone or just use it for parts to fix yours.

PM’s replied to and pictures sent.

V3’s $25 each
V3xx $40
Treo 750 and usb charger $20 (priced low due to button issues listed above). Add $3 for the docking station
Razr 2 V8 unlocked $80 (basiclly brand new used it for a month and then got an iphone, software might need to be reflashed for internet but phone and text work great)
Mini SD 2GB card

I still need to sort through all the Belt clips, leather cases, car chargers, etc but if you buy something I might just throw it in.

Prices include shipping and I think are fair. If you want more than one thing I could consider a discount, PM me. If you use paypal either a bank account or you cover the paypal fees (2.9% + $0.30 USD).

Sell the 2g Card yet ?

Which one?

Thought there was only one ? Either way, The 2G one.

I have a Mini SD and a Micro SD both 2GB

Cool, What do ya want for the Micro ?

$5 shipped?

Wrd. Whats the paypal ?

I’ll PM you.

Micro is sold

PMs replied to, pictures sent and micro shipped

damnit i wanted the micro

I also got a the v551 charged and working
$15 shipped?