At work pet peeves

or when people use up both Term Serv connections…

hahah, don’t get me started on that shit… even though i am bad at it too sometimes. i leave myself logged in


nothing i fucking hate more than taking the elevator to the bottom floor… go to get out and there are a group of people huddled next to the door… always some snotty ass fucking woman starring me down with the expectant look like “get the fuck outta the way” … MEANWHILE LADY there is one entrance and exit and you and your fur coat are in the way!!! :madfawk: i have such a shitty attitude when that happens.

tell her fur is dead

i hate rude people and people with bad attitudes. Always gets me worked up and leaves me in a pissy mood for a while.

I started to push these people out of my way…and am like WTF…I can’t get off you dumbass and I am the one using the elevator…when it’s your turn then y ou can get off first…dumb fokers!

we had a waste of time meeting yesterday so my immediate supervisor could tell my user support group that we’ve been getting compaints about our level of service, mainly making people feel stupid. My response - They are, and if they can’t control their anger towards their own ignorance then there is nothing I can do about it. When you get to a point were you are doing peoples work for them, thats where I draw the line. I then proceeded to log on to on my tablet pc and ignore the next 1/2 hr him rambling on about his proposed admin system, that I have NOTHING to do with, that was supposed to be changed 2 years ago but he keeps changing his mind.

I hate when there is a book 12 inches from where I’m sitting, and people (ok, one person) always reaches over the back of me and takes it instead of just saying “Can I have the PO book?”. Then she can never put it back right, so she leans over me again to fight with the damn thing to put it back.

I hate my GM, who thinks that I’m Mrs. Fix-It for everything, but then wants to tell me how he thinks it’s supposed to be fixed when he doesn’t have any idea what he’s talking about, and I’m not Mrs. Fix-It for ANYTHING. Especially not his shit because I hate his guts.

I hate that everyone waits until an hour before a unit is shipping out to tell me that they need something like a manual, or DRMC’s, or whatever.

I hate that fact that I only have 1 elevator section (two lifts) that I can take to get to my floor. There are litterally dozons others taht anyone can take. Yet people still play the elevator game and push all the buttons.

Then I hate it when the up button is already pushed and some one else comes over and pushes it like they can do it fucking better. I also hate it when I;m trying to get off peopel are standing there trying to push past you to get on like its going to hurry up and close and leave them behind.


Obx Stickers!!!11

Well, I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one that has pet peeves in the office

  1. People sitting at my computer when I come in in the morning. Argh! You have your own god damn computer, get the fuck off mine. Usually they are sitting here waiting for something to print… You have your own printers as well, people. Note to self, change password.

2)People who want estimates over the phone but are paranoid about price. Ok, so every house is different, and we custom tailor your HVAC to your house. And you want the lowest, most exact price possible. But you dont have an hour any time in the next two weeks between 5pm and 10pm for us to come out and give you an estimate, FREE OF CHARGE. And the ones that want a low price and a phone estimate wonder why no matter what we’re doing, its $5000, :rofl:

Cube farms suck.

I can’t stand listening to people chomp. Drives me crazy. Go eat in the break room if you are going to make noise.

I don’t care about any one I work with and their shitty personal lives. Everyone has cell phones, go outside the office and take care of your personal buisness. I don’t care to hear your conversations about your ex spouses or messed up kids or any of that crap. My head phones can only go so loud. I’m off to go buy earplugs to put under the headphones. Also, I should not be able to hear you type with my headphones as loud as they are. It’s a keyboard, not a type writer. No need to pund on that stuff.

I need to find my shack in the woods and start my manifesto.

OMG! I hate it when I come in and I can always tell that someone was on my computer. My inbox and outbox will be closed (I always leave them open), the cache on my windows explorer shows websites like,, etc. and all the shit on my desk is moved around.

Also, I have a jar of candy, and NO ONE will take any whenever I’m at my desk. They wait until I leave. Damnit, I put it there so everyone could have some, why are people afraid to take it???

shit, I take what I can get all the time!

I’d eat your candy jenn!!! :naughty: :lickmahpu:

most of you guys have complaints about co-workers… try sales… try hearing the same shit from customers who you have to be nice to. the worst is when you clearly have what the customer needs and they still won’t buy. you meet every expectation and order they have and they still won’t pull the trigger. you can’t sell the stupid.

^ I am in sales… (along with customer service, purchasing, production, website development, etc.) the only thing I hate about it is when your douchebag GM has the last word and you have no decision making priviledges whatsoever.

Then again, we only have 2 major competitors (depending on which type of product), so we don’t have to do much haggling (except in China and India, where they want a $150K instrument for $20K, because that’s all the money they have… :rolleyes: )

This entire thread emphasizes why I like computers more than people.

i am going to get a set of headphones over the weekend… like the really good ones that will encapsulate my whole ear… i hate hearing others talk

x2. Look at my second quote about people wanting estimates without us seeing what they need… Argh…

Also, I do our advertising and I deal with an advertising agency. They are the worst. The spell shit wrong, their english is horrible (honestly, I’d rather have Brian proofread it than these assholes), and anytime I make a suggesion on an ad to change, I literally have to change it from a suggestion to a demand to get them to do it.

And my boss will not, for the life of him, believe how much shit they give me. Argh

PS - I wrote my reply before, left my desk to do some stuff in the service office, come back and there is one of the other salesmen, eating a sandwich, drinking a ginger ale, and typing on my computer b/c I have “a big monitor”.

:rant: :rant: