At work pet peeves

here is my biggest pet peeve out of all…

person write me, asks me about a problem. I give them the immediate answer and tell them exactly whats wrong and what to do.

that person then goes and asks another person in my team, they waste 20 minutes trying to track down the issue when i just fucking told them the issue and how to fix it.

fucking retards, why do they bother me if they don’t like my correct answers that fast…

to young?

i hear that… i’m always second guessed and i’m always right… i don’t answer unless i know something.

what i hate is when people walk up to my office and stand there and eyeball me until i look at them, then they immediately start dictating what i’m to do for them in the next 30 seconds.
whatever… people suck…

i think thats a big part of it, i am just going to bring in my diploma and my awards from over the year and attach them to the outside of my cube…

i may be young, but i am not a moron

pet peeve at work is politics. I am allowed to give certain people access to things and need to explain to the other people, in the same position, why they cannot have access. I hate being the bad guy when it’s not my decision in the first place.

may we get a poll? :booty:

oh no… i hope i don’t accidently ban pewterss!!! oh noes! :booty:

they are still working on this problem!!! chalk that up to a half hour now!


im pissed my normal shitter was clogged and i had to use the backup!

:slight_smile: so is there going to be a poll? :blue: :angel:

you should feel lucky you even have a shitter. working for nursery/landscaping company, we have no shitter. on a job site I go shit in the woods, or in the back of my dump truck

fuck it, do it on the lawn and charge them extra… Fertalizer.

whitey…I do similar things with my job…telling people how to fix certain issue but on a much more simple level…then they go and ask someone else…then I have to go and explain to another dumbass that they are wrong…and that they should have not asked me if they aren’t going to listen to me…it’s a vicious circle I feel your pain…

yea, like i hate it when people bitch about there damn garbage mail being ripped. mother fucker if you want to see the specials at giant eagle get your lazy ass down there and look yourself. and dont forget your smart shopper card either. i’m just a mailman, i just do my job, which is get you the mail.

whiney bitches…/vent


your rant funnier then my rant

the kid came over to me a few minutes ago and told me what he did and i just ignored him… he is such a penis

people that stare at your monitor…

i just wanna be like “Hey asshole, I know that I am posting on Pittspeed, keep walking”


or when people come up and just take stuff of my desk…I am like excuse you? WTF can I help you with?

My biggest pet peeve is blame-shifting. When there is a problem of any sorts people think “who’s fault is it?!” instead of “how can we fix it?”. People have wasted hours here trying to figure out who’s fault something was when it took 3 minutes to fix. It’s rare that a problem is my fault, but when it is, I take my blame like a man and don’t cry over it. I see the blame game daily and oooooooooooooo does it piss me the fuck off.

put a brick on your desk so when they are standing there taking something off your desk, turn around real fast, swoop your arm and slide the brick off the desk onto thier toes…
Instant ownage!!

Interrupting me while I’m talking because apparaently what I’m saying isn’t as important.

Coming up the elevator with someone from your floor and they say, “Four please!” Durrrrrrrrrrr… you’re funny!!!