Why your coworkers suck: Things that aggrivate you about the workplace.

I know a lot of people (like me) are on Shift during the day while they are at work, and since I’m ready to strangle half my department I thought maybe a nice little thread to vent in would be entertaining. :tongue

Stupid things that irritate me in the work place:

  1. The smelly leftovers in the fridge. Someone brings a lunch and never eats it, then decides instead of throwing it out they would rather share a science project with the office. The smell that radiates from this exiles the entire company from the kitchen.
  2. Not so gentle typing. The people who feel the need to use brute force on their keyboard, making the ultra annoying CLICKCLICLLLCLICKCLCICLKCK sounds excessively loud in an otherwise quiet office.
  3. Humming or singing under your breath. Please shut up. You can’t carry a tune and I don’t even like that song.
  4. Blue tooth headsets in the halls. Please stop yelling into that damn thing. The person on the other line can hear you just fine, and I don’t want to hear your conversation about your kids grades anyway.
  5. Eating lunch at your desk. The chewing sounds are disgusting and very distracting. Close your mouth, you’re shedding crumbs everywhere. We have a cafeteria, please use it.

Feel free to contribute your own, or share any stories of an aggravating coworker or experience. We all hate our job at some point, it’s nice to have a good laugh about someone else’s misery at work once in a while. :lol

  1. “L” bringing in her smelly ass lunch (some kinda of fish) at least twice a week.
  2. “L” being a complete n00b when it comes to computers (don’t know how she landed a help desk job).
  3. This dude up in Life Company calling my phone every 3 hours and only letting it rings once (he’s trying to dial voicemail and never gets it right). STOP!
  4. Listening to “L” talk about her f’ed up family problems as if we are supposed to be therapists.

Probably more, but can’t think of them.

(I work at a private golf course)

  1. When members are having a pissy day because they played like shit or whatever reason and they take it out on the workers by yellling or general douchebaggery. Get over yourself. You’re PROBABLY one of the bottom 50% skill level of golfers at the club and you take things the most seriously :facepalm

  2. Workers that won’t…stop…TALKING. Holy CRAP. I know more about some of the kids that I work with than I do myself because every single second of the shift I’m working with them is filled with them composing an autobiography.

  3. Bosses that steal tips from us. During the school year, no one worked in the bag room til ~3:00, and obviously people would finish playing before then and leave their bags outside to be cleaned and put away. The “usual” thing to do is to leave a dollar or two on the top of each bag, wedged between headcovers or whatever for us for tips. One out of my three bosses has been caught in the act of snatching the tips and pocketing them so the people who actually clean and put away the clubs don’t get shit. WTF. You’re a 30 something year old guy and you have to steal $20+ from 15-20 year olds??? :facepalm scummmbagggg

That’s really it :smiley: other than that I love my job, probably the greatest summer our HS/college job that I can think of

I have an admin person answering all my phone calls and my office is totally quiet aside from whatever music I fancy at that moment. We are usually the only 2 people here. Life is good.

Same here.

Ahh, the life of a lab tech. :thumbup

The only thing that saves my job is that I can get away with doing absolutely nothing all day if I so choose, can close the door on my office and make 1 - 5 in my list dissapear, and rock out or play a video game the rest of the day. :tongue

But of course I don’t ever do that. That’s terrible work ethic. I should be ashamed for even mentioning the thought. :shifty

What the shit?


Yeah, and I work in an IT company. Things could get interesting.

You sick fuck.


I am guilty of #5.

We need a whole new thread about #5 and people that werent taught basic table manners. :rofl

Hmm…what bugs me the most is the retarded call agents coming saying the software is broken. 9 out of 10 times they didn’t read the popup telling them they can’t do that for X reason. Or they just plain don’t look.

Call agent- “This program is not showing up for this trip. I think it’s a bug or something.”
Me- “Did you check the end date on the program?”
Call agent- “Oh, its set for last month.”
Me- /facepalm

They’ve been using the software for over a year…

That and my co-worker with the anger problem and inferiority complex. I don’t care that you paid off your student loans. I’d rather eat shit than listen to how awesome your home theater system or computer or whatever is every 10 minutes. He bitches about bugs and claims “I haven’t touched this code in 3 weeks, who the fuck broke it?”. Who the fuck cares, it is your JOB to fix it. If you don’t like it quit.

The only thing that annoys me is when this black guy i worked with. Got in a Taxi in Hartford and told the driver to drive to Albany. Then half way there when the cops pulled the taxi over for speeding on I-90 he decided that would be a good time to open fire on the police and have them blow him away lolol. Other than that everyone else i work with is cool.

So not elaborating on a public forum…

Also, I have video of one of my coworkers annoyances/flaws lol



you worked with the shooter?

yeah, i worked on the sort aisle with him, up to the day before he did that. UPS Hartford Hub

No wai!

The 350lb lady I work with who always complains about health problems and being overweight, then takes about 10 trips daily to the candy dish grabbing a fist full of peanut M&M’s, has 2 20 oz bottles of pepsi before lunch, and houses like 3 servings of left overs every day at lunch. We went through one bag of M&M’s when she was out for 3 months on disability for having knee surgery. She’s been back for 5 weeks and we’ve already gone through 6 of the big bags… If you wanna abuse your body like that fine by me (hell I used to be the same way) but please don’t whine to us about it on a constant basis and expect any sympathy.

People who feel the need to get loud and argue with their significant other on their phone within earshot of everyone.

Other than that my co workers are pretty chill.

lol, heres the article citing place of employment haha


I used to get pissed at the kid in the cubicle next to me when he beat me at Mario Kart on the DS… besides that working for the state was awesome!