Why your coworkers suck: Things that aggrivate you about the workplace.

i hate when the people who stop by our cubes to visit stick their nose in my screen and are like what’s that? 1st rule of shift 518 is don’t talk about shift 518. now GTFO. nosey fucks.

Best part is my boss sits directly behind me and has never once asked wtf i was doing / what was on my screen.

i just walk around and mind my business, do my work, take my breaks then go home.

I try to do the same but some people (at my office at least) will just talk to you regardless of weather you want to or not.


Read thru the comments on this CNN story - some of them are hilarious.

The guy next to me farts all the time, sometimes quiet and some times loud. Earlier today he farted really loud and he looks at me and says “I think I crapped my pants” and then he left work.

People who are always talking about their medical procedures really annoy me. I don’t tell you about the time I had an abortion so why should I care about your colonoscopie?

Apparently I’m the only one who has to check to make sure all the wheels on my office chair are there before I sit down because my coworkers think it is hilarious to remove them in hopes that I take a face plunge?

theres a few that do that, but i just go uh huh, nd proceed with what i was doing

My co-workers prefer to take a shit in the driveway and then dig up boulders twice the size of their heads.

I dunno, that’s about all I got at the moment. Work is good.

LOL - what do you expect from a dachshund. :lol


Being micromanaged is pretty gay.

I think dumb customers annoy me more though. Once I answer your question, there is no reason to try to get around my answer. As far as you are concerned, I am infallible. You will not succeed where others have failed in finding some miraculous battery I don’t sell. Many have tried, you are not the chosen one. Go back to the food court and get a milkshake, you’ll feel better.

And when people stand too close to me. For some reason, the ones that do that always smell like Satan’s vomitous shit. When I back up, that is not an invitation to move closer. That’s a signal to wash yourself because you’re obviously human filth.

People who expect handouts! “I broke my cell phone. No service plan, it’s been a year. I don’t want to buy a phone at retail, what can I do?” I’ll tell them internet shopping, in which case they get super mad.

I’m done for now!

  1. This girl I shal name fat pig cant walk anywhere without dragging her heavy feet
  2. This girl I shal name bitch who thinks every little problem with her computer even when its not work related is my problem when i should be bitching at her for doing things that are un work related but dont to avoid a shitstorm.

Like yesterday when I had to replace her speakers that were “humming” even tyhough she shouldent be listeing to itunes anyways

  1. People who cant simply reboot their computers before telling me something is not working than I have to get my lazy ass up and waste 5 minutes of my own time clickign the restart button then explaining to them that a simple restart is sometimes all you need.

  2. People who think internet popups that say your computer is infected click here to download antivirus software is legit and dont grasp the concept that even though it looks like a windows pop up your an idiot for not noticeign that its inside a internet explorer window

Ugh… There isn’t enough server space.
I’ll skip to the part where Union intervention was needed and I almost lost my job and was moved to another building.

People that spend all their time on a forum when they should be working lol

OH GOD. thats like

xGOOGLE man ! wtf ! why do so many people fall for that shit !

anyways i dont have co workers but i have some select few clients who i really CANNOT STAND

there is this one, i’ll leave unnamed , not anyone from shift so dont get ideas, but will send me small random work ALL THE TIME like 7 days a week, and act like hes been waiting for everrrrrrrrr to get it done, like just today

“i sent u over stuff wed/thurs when can u get that done” uh yea u sent it saturday and i dont work 24/7 on call thx

im sick of those things, where they think im on call at random… hell no

i haven’t bothered ya in forever, unless our server is hacked :lmao

I am with Tucker.

People that have ability and don’t use it.
People that have no drive.
People that are too lazy to complete simple tasks.
People that don’t take risks that matter.
People that can’t keep a schedule.

Unfortunately, thats about 90% of the people I meet …

********** all reasons its best to work alone… like Boxer, I need a dog.********

People that fart, chew loud and eat too much are simply walked away from at a brisk pace… before the UPS/Postal thing happens again…

Thats what annoys me… but oddly, they also somewhow entertain me. Also Oddly, some of the people I like the best are large, fart happy, eating machines.

Go figure.

(electrician)…working on fixing someones fuckup and the stupervisor (who shouldn’t be 1 in the first place b/c he has no clue wtf hes doing and is an overpaid underworked fuckup himself) walks in and without thinking before he says something says “WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING?”…wtf does it look like im doing?..im in the corner fucking a football (mild sarcasm) hears your sign…it looks like im trying to fix something over here if you had taken two seconds to look and see what im doing before asking stupid questions…or when you are walking downstairs before break and he asks you “where are you going?”…where the fuck does it look like im going…im going the fuck to break…“its 11:57”…yeah, so? it looks like my company is getting fucked out of 3 minutes today.“thats a bad attitude”… better than the one i had yesterday, he got fucked for 5 minutes…its even better when he walks in a room and me and 5 co-workers and fucking off…he walks in, see’s that no one is working and asks “what are you guys doing?”…were fucking off…what the hell does it look like were doing??

And the #1 thing…

People (weather you work with them or not), that talk about their jobs a lot when they are NOT at work. No one in this thread, including me, makes enough money to bring their job home with them.

Don’t argue me. If you talk about your job a lot when you are not there, get some new hobbies.

dammit your righthttp://tbn3.google.com/images?q=tbn:7Y1b-OiHs4XsdM:http://i.realone.com/assets/rn/img/8/1/8/5/12675818.jpg

nobody here but me has a DS otherwise it’d be on all day in mario kart, tetris and the like. :lol

what pisses me off is somebody who sits near me and insists on whistling when that person really cant do it more than the average person can. its not musical at all, plus who the hell whistles nowadays, come on.
i also used to sit on a different floor and the person near me would always chew gum superloud, then make these super loud crackling sounds with it. one or two bubble pops is ok, but when that shit is going on all day every 4-5 seconds or so it gets rather annoying. think of the sound as tiny bubble wrap. take a sheet, twist it and squeeze a small section of it every 4-5 seconds for about 6-7hrs a day. my solution was to bring in my massive headphones and just listen to music or watch stuff all day long so i could actually concentrate on what i had to do for work. i do the same on this floor now too. im always wearing headphones when im at my desk unless im on the phone or talking to somebody.

Music at work is the best. :slight_smile:
When I worked at the hospital we weren’t allowed to touch the radio in the office uness everyone agreed on a station. My iHome started coming to work with me shortly after I started working there.