Pet peeves

Seriously - I don’t have a lot of pet peeves, but what does piss me off, REALLY pisses me off.

For example. I called XM radio today because I notice they are still charging me for Opie and Anthony (previously a premium service channel, now free).

I call, and wait on hold.

The recorded lady voice tells me that they were experiencing technical difficulties and the wait time would be longer than usual.

No biggie.

So I wait. 40 minutes later, I hear click, and the hold music goes on again. Another 2 minutes later, I get cut off.


So I call back. Back in the queue again. 30 minutes into it, CLICK. DROP.



I am going to ream on the customer service rep… even though it’s not their fault.

People who complain. Or sigh. Constantly. Like, right now, the girl I work with is just one constant complaint-a-thon. “Ughhh sigh I can’t believe I don’t have her phone number. Ugh… this computer!! Why is it doing that??? Good grief, this person is parking like an idiot!”

Or demand a manager and then ream them out for running such a shitty call center

Stupid people in general piss me off

Nothing pisses me off more than people that have no clue of how to drive

You must constantly be pissed off then.

Won’t even get started with this one.

I feel for ya Howie, I’ve experienced that before. You’re already a little upset about the screw up forcing you to call, then they start this BS with you.

I had to get through to the NYS Dept. of Labor. After taking 10 minutes to get through their automated menus, I’m told “We’re expereincing higher than normal call volume. Please try calling back in 15 minutes. (followed by office hours)” And this went on all of Thursday and Friday. UGH!!!

Customer service is going the way of the dodo and chivalry.

what really pisses me off is people bitching about their pet peeves.

heh… automated phone systems suck period lol. soooo irritating.

i cant stand stupid people, and i have to “supervise” them everyday.

i cant stand people who bitch and complain about how bad they got it, when they actually got it quite good.

i cant stand people who are shitty at their job because of lack of effort rather than lack of ability.

and my biggest pet peeve…i would like to slap my coq across the face of every motherfucker who makes it their job to create drama or ruin someones day for fun. edit: everyone but newman :stuck_out_tongue:

my biggest thing i cant stand is people bitxhign about something that happend to them when they deserve it…for ex. Speeding HELLO U WERE SPEEDING AND GOT CAUGHT TAKE THE CONSEQUENCES…or Front Plates…sure most o fu have them y I dunno…deal with it…but dont bitch when u get a ticket no matter how stupid u think the law is

waits for cockslap

i hate automated phone systems.

i hate voice-automated phone systems with passion.
especially when i’m at work and look like a crazy person as i talk slowly and clearly and then constantly say “no” when it gets what i said wrong or say “help help help” to try and get a real person.

Stupid people who are cofident, bordering on arrogant.

The dumbass purchaser/inventory control woman here taped PAPER signs inside thin plastic 3-ring sheet protectors labeling the vendor inventory area to the SHOP FLOOR where people walk and stand and work all day long. She is now pissed that they have been torn apart by people WALKING on them! She put a fucking paper sign on the floor! What does she expect?! Arrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh!!!

when someone changes the volumne on my radio in my car thats not a multiple of 5…for some reason its gotta be on 5, 10 or 15 if not i get pissed

When things are not organized.

When I order food and they fook it up all the time, NO tomatoes is it that hard ! :mad:

Ipod > Sattelite Radio Howie :stuck_out_tongue:

But yeah, automated customer service routing for just about every company sucks. It’s enough to make you want to kill someone.

anything with a picture of an apple on it, or having a 1 button mouse

when people post up the same topic after it has been locked or deleted


1 button = more efficient :stuck_out_tongue:

I hate it when a innocent thread gets closed for no reason