Pet peeves

to run gnome and kde together joo need 3 buttons :slight_smile:

yes, you can do it with 2 but thats ghey.

When I read the whole fucking thread to make sure IPOD hasn’t been mentioned yet… and fucking zerodaze already fucking mentions the fucking IPOD and then i can’t give the mother fucker karma cause he makes so many other fucking valuable posts

i also hate to watch my fucking mouth its the fucking internet bitch if you can read it you’ve fucking seen it before mother fucking cock
is it almost fucking 5 oclock yet? Fuck.

You’re gonna hate it even more if you keep bitching about it in another thread. Your thread was not innocent, and was closed for a reason. Move on.

I hate people who act like everyone likes them, and they think they are making funny jokes all the time even though its like childish himor. Also really immature people!!! argh. LOL maybe thats just me being old.
OH! White kids who live in the burbs and act all gangsta!( i see it everyweekend at the “cool” teen club i work at!

Asstards on motorcycles that pull wheelies at 80mph plus on the thruway in front of you. Happened to me 3 times this summer.

Drinking and driving. Saw way too many people at cruise nights or just leaving bars that shouldn’t have been behind the wheel.

I hate when I’m at work…

…and then all the people that took their stupid pills decide to ask me questions.

old lady that took a buttload of stupid pills: Which of these cheeses are Buy One Get One Free?
Me: the ones with the “Buy One Get One Free” tag underneath them.
Old shit: and which ones are those?
Me: points to them
Old hag: how much are they?
Me: $2.05, regular price, and you get the second one free.

This person had glasses on. I can understand this line of questioning much better if she was blind or was going blind without corrective lenses. but she decided to go out into public (probably driving too!!!) being either too stupid to know that everything in pretty much every store has a tag or a sticker to indicate the price, or she was wearing a weak eye prescription. Neither of those is a good idea for being in public…especially the first one when a public destination is a grocery store!

Jesus christ, I didn’t realize how much that bugged me until just now. lol

Bump because I’m going to choke a bitch the next time I take a gulp of cafeteria coffee and get a mouth full of grounds. :barf: Is keeping the coffee inside the filter really that hard?

And of course I just dos’d a brand new shirt. :picard:

my personal favorite:
“my trade’s worth xx,xxx because THAT’S WHAT I THINK IT’S WORTH”

where the hell do people come up with these insane figures for their trades, am i missing something?!?!?

i had when people come in my shop, and tell me what i should do with my car and not have a clue what they are talking about. like some carbed 289 heads for my FI 302.

OR my biggest one when people come and just toss a leg over one of my bikes, get touch my car. one asshole tipped my 58panhead over. i told him to GTFO before i snap.

people who cant drive in bad weather ie: the people in downstate NY they get an inch of snow and they r all 5mph w/ their hazards on wtf


Oh yeah… people who bump threads from 2+ years ago!!! :wtf:


You’re damned if you bump, and you’re damned if you don’t.

Me too! I’ll be in touch about next Friday. If the plans go through there may be open bar and MBA wimminz for cheap. :sario:

stupid people! and and example.

the original poster

dubbin91 because he studders when he types “and and”


edit u know what its not even worth it ha

yea stupid people like me :slight_smile:

I didn’t read the other thread by you, but picked up that it was and about you having weed in your possession. Also about how you wish you could smoke but can’t anymore or something along those lines.

Do you realize that smoking weed makes you “lame” and does not give you “swagger”? If anything, talking about your drug use on a public forum makes you look like a loser.

With that being said you could very well be a respectable individual :gotme:

yea but I admit I was caught in a circle of stupidity which included smoking weed for a little bit of time, but it wasnt anything that completely consumed my life and destroyed it, just put me way off track for a while. i cant smoke anymore because im enlisting in the army.

Then :clap: to you for turning things around.

The poor.