Whats your pet peeve?

duno if i spelt it right … ok what pisses you off most about ontario drivers or what you hate the most about them…

My pet peeve is old people or pricks who drive on the far left on the highway and go 2km and will not let you pass them or wont move into the other lane OMG i hate that. ( far left passing lane middle cruising lane rright exit lane) **** !!

Second is little ricers trying to race me GRRR i just wanna run them off the road.

Third: people who cut you off or go into your lane and go slower than you are its like WTF move you asshole…

and some others

ya i have to agree with all 3 of those. and then you have those ppl who merge lanes without singleing and you see that they dont check there blind spots what so ever and when they merge over there inches away from your car, and then continue to drive slow, or even slow down. another is people from my work, theres this light with a cop shop right across from it and one left turn lane, but ppl go in the stright/right turn lane and make a left hand turn cutting you off, or they do a u-turn in the cop shop and pull right out into turning traffic… all this happens late at night.
^just happened tonight after work.

Everything!!! lol im full of road rage!! aarrgghhhh!!! hehe

yea i gotta agree with all that stuff too…mostly ppl who dont move out of my way…ppl who ride up my ass with their bright lights so im blind…ppl who dont know what theyre doing or where theyre going…etc etc etc

i dont like people in there cars why cant they all walk so i can have the road to myself!

hey share with me!!! lol

do you 2 ever sleep! gosh the newest form of post whores :smiley:

what pisses me off… hhhmmm my list is to long but i think people cutting me off woudl piss me off the most but then i just do it back and slam my brakes to scare em lol…

ya i sleep, around 3-4 am .

Shorteaz - “hey share with me!!! lol”
and ya il share the road with you, just dont cut me off, drive slow infront of me (grandma speed), flash your hi-beams, breake when absolutly nothing is in front of you, and slow down in school zones you should speed up kids are worth more points if you hit em… haha, no you should slow down. but ya dont forget to pass on the solid double yellow lines.

no! life is to precious to waste away sleeping!! lol

yayyy hehe…na i dun cut ppl off…i dont drive slow…unless sumthings wrong and if i am…i get outta the way…i dont flash my high beams at ppl…ive only done it once too some stupid woman who cut me off a matter of like 3 times one night…that made me angry…im notorious for braking at the last minute, or well not braking from a really far distance haha…lol i passed sumone one solid lines wen i went for that cruise at the forks…not in the crazy part tho…i was stuck behind this person for nearly the whole damn road!!! they were braking for nothing

good. lets go for a drive.

lol blades pet peeve is when somone cuts him off getting on the bus hahahahahahaha Owned just jokin man… :smiley:

lol awwww

hahaha or when someone cuts off his taxi driver… :{ :#

taxi drivers are ccccreeepppyy

Ricer’s that think their cars are fast… Civics with B16’s and Intake’s… in which create= 1000hp!
If it’s not a nissan… GET THE !@#$%^ OUT OF MY WAY!!
Im going to go on a spraypaint spree…
all the way down 400 series highways, all you’ll see is,
fast lane - Nissan Only
middle lane- Subaru |Toyota| Mazda etc…
slow lane- any other cars that are frenched/riced up!!!

Glad I though of it…:smiley:


OMG +1000000000000. Those people need to die in a fire.

If a car is in my way I do the following…

  1. Turn HID’s on… if they don’t move got to step 2
  2. Turn Fog lights on… if they still don’t get out step 3
  3. Flash; if that doesn’t work… go to step 4
  4. Downshift & pass while giving the evil monkey stare!

Driving the skyline we get people boxing us in to stare at the car… or dumbass Civics who want to test what our car can do… or people just dumb-founded that it’s RHD…

Plus we get loads of questions ranging from, "Is it legal? to “Is it real?”


Terreto, you best be looking over your back, just in case 4 Honda civics (Black) box j00 in and shootz ze forkything into your car mang. You need to pack some heat, ‘sepcially a 12-gauge–that will b ballin’.:smiley:

That would suck though… carry a bag of rice with you in your passenger seat. When a rice-boi comes up, open your window, and toss em a cup of rice. Alternatively, you can flaunt your GT-R to their girlfriend, street race behind your school, and driftorz into semi-built houses!

/off topic

I don’t like people with sound systems that give me back-aches. Specially those with cars that just rattle from their own bass. --Ghey


haha yes!!! great idea!! lol:R

JDM-IMPORTS - wow…that must be the real downer of driving the R32…sounds dangerous!

As for me, I have pretty much no road rage…just a few things kill me:

– People who merge at the very last minute when there are openings to do so earlier (usually don’t signal either)

– People that cut in front of you without judging your speed, like before making a lane change or as they’re turning out of a plaza waiting right till the last minute, forcing you to slow down quickly

– Pairs of drivers that drive below the limit right beside each other, and hold up a whole block of traffic

Other than that, i’m happy. I just leave space and boost only in open areas…then all is well. :smiley: