People Are F#*King Clueless When Driving!

3 times in the last week alone. 5 lanes, center one designated for turning. I’m following in the left lane and the car infront of me decides to make a left. Instead of getting their vehicle fully in the center turning lane they leave half the ass-end hanging in my lane. Traffic to my right so i have no choice but to stop. FFFUUUUUUUUUU! There was no reason they couldn’t have fully gotten into the turning lane. No other vehicles were occupying it at all.

Then we have the weavers. Where they are distracted and slowly just cross into your lane multiple times making me think we are going to connect side mirrors. Typically i just drop back so they are not near me.

The inconsitent throttle user. Get stuck behind someone that is going wayyy below the posted speed limit. I pass and they speed up and stay next to me or fly past me. A while later i am behind them and they are below the speed limit again. Lather, rinse, repeat.

My fav is the person pulling out of driveway, entrance etc. The front end is halfway in my lane causing me to either stop or swerve way around them if no traffic is in the other lane. I can understand this in the winter when the snowbanks are piled high. This happened about 6 times to me this summer. No excuse, the area on both sides in all situations was clear for them to see without stopping halfway out in traffic.

I don’t blow the horn or flip the bird. I just shake my head and think how these people passed their driving test.


lets me hear some of your traffic stories about clueless asshats.

All of those, plus tailgaters that get mad at you for not moving out of the way… in BUMPER TO BUMPER TRAFFIC. Fucktards.

Or the people that ride your ass, and see that you AREN’T tailgating the person ahead of you, so they floor it, pass you and cut you off to get ONE car ahead.

The cock mongrels who block traffic on busy roads waiting for the Tim Hortons drive-thru.

I try to avoid driving anywhere during day time ‘business’ hours. Its seems like every ass hat and there mother who doesn’t have a job is on the road blocking you from getting where you need to go. UGH WHERE DO ALL THESE PEOPLE WORK??? They can’t all have the day off.


when people tail me I go slower, sometimes put on my brakes…then when they go to pass me in the right lane, I speed up so they can’t.

and that’s just one of the many things I do to get back at asshole drivers.

I’ve also been told I have serious road rage related issues :gotme:

people who don’t pull into the turning lane when making a left from a parking lot.

i live south of Clinton off Mineral Springs and commute up Harlem, and pass the tim hortons north of Holiday’s daily next to JIT… son’s of bitches are fighting just to get into the parking lot from both entrances, always an accident @ that corner coming home. when there’s 40-50 cars IN the parking lot, 6-10 cars lined up blocking traffic both ways @ both entrances… it’s time to get your coffee elsewhere.

I’m guilty of this if there are only 2 cars in front of me. IE, in the line of 3 cars, me being last, the first car is the one holding up traffic with nothing in front of them. If car #2 doesn’t want do to their moral duty and tailgate that asshole to get him to move over then get fuck out of the way so someone else can.

Or the ones that drive a 1/4 mile in the turning lane until they can merge.

Well why the hell are you in the left lane if you’re clearly not going fast enough? It’s for passing only… and if you’re not passing, get over. Faster drivers are trying to pass you and everyone else to stop a bottleneck behind you!

It’s not your place to be the speed police. If someone wants to go 90 in a 65, and you’re going 70 in the left lane… MOVE! There are probably 20 cars piling up behind you causing an accident that you created and will never know about.

People don’t fly by on your right and cut you off for nothing, just because they’re assholes. You’re driving too slow for the left lane.

This. Especially if other cars are starting to pile up behind me as well. I want to get the hell out of that situation! I’m not about to become a victim because some grandma is in the left lane driving 56 in the left lane! I’m getting around you and him and everyone else around!

“That guy” in the F-*50 coming home from a “hard day” at the plant, doing 85+ MPH in any available lane.

I just thought of another one. The person who paces next to or just off the corner of a tractor trailer on the thruway for miles because they are afraid to pass them. This causes a HUGE train to form behind them.

LOL! When I was 16 I worked at Tim Horton’s. There was a line of 20 cars… it was rather funny.

Every once in a while there would be a huge wreck as someone got rear-ended.

My suggestion is to know where your local Tim Horton’s are and steer clear of that lane. LOL

i’ve seen that guy before…

I try to stay away from everyone by getting the lead!

My biggest problem with the 90 is the tractor trailers. If one is doing 65 and another is doing 65.1 you would think the one going 65.1 would just slow that .1 MPH and fall in line. Nope, he’ll pass at the rate of 1 inch per mile while everyone behind them goes insane.

Im sorry, but all of you on here advocating speeding; while I don’t have a problem with taking advantage of an open lane, stop being an asshole and driving like you just robbed a bank during rush hour.

I hate when a law enforcement officer is going UNDER the speed limit, and it causes a HUGE traffic jam, because no one has the balls to pass them. They think they will get a ticket for going the speed limit? I have no problem passing them when Im going the speed limit.

Haha, I live on Dwyer and that’s the one I’m mostly referring to.:mad: