I ❤ roadrage...

on my part of course, but only a minimal case…

just have to rant quickly about the total DICK in the grey/silver subaru rs behind me on the way to work yesterday around 4ish…

i see him flying in and out of traffic, had to be in his 40’s…and comes right up on my ass…i couldnt even see his front bumper…he then flies over a lane, tries to get in front of me, but gets caught behind another car a bit further up, and i take great satisfaction when i just cruise by him, barely going above the speed limit a bit later…

next thing i know, the guy’s right back on my ass, just as close, and he’s not going anywhere…so i tap the brakes, not enough to slow down, but just enough to show him my brake lights and tell him to get back…but it didnt work…

i tried it again, and this time he just got closer, and started going back and forth in the lane directly behind me, and i couldn’t get over due to cars next to me…nor did he deserve the courtesy of me getting out of his way…one last time tapping the brakes, no work…so i lay into them…

i knew the brakes on the beater werent that great, so i had to use the e brake at the same time…dick ended up having to swerve over a lane to not hit me, gave me a friendly gesture…and atempted to floor it by me…only to be cut off by somebody going to speed limit…and then got away…

i hope the little scare i gave him will teach him a lesson…i hate dicks like that…

ok sorry for everybody that wasted their time reading this, i just had to…


I encounter assholes EVERY FUCKING NIGHT down Broadway on my way home. I think that’s the fucktard’s choice of road.

I hate people like that, risking other people’s safety because they’re in a hurry. The sad part is he won’t learn. He think’s your the dick that shouldn’t be on the road.

haha i like your sig nichole holy crap

the good ol’ brake check :wink:

Same here, especially in town too where it splits, and merges. Always seems like cops are there when I’m alone. Soon as a “rice-car driver” shows up they are gone. :shrug:

I don’t know what road you were on but…normal road like transit or the blvd or something, I agree with you. The thruway however, get the fuck outta the left lane if you don’t wanna go fast. I usually go pretty quick on the thruway…But I do it in the left lane. When someone is coming up on me from behind, I get the fuck outta the way, they go by, then I go back in the left lane. It’s quite simple actually. If your exit is coming right up and you wanna do 5 over, that’s what the center lane is for. The right lane is usually if you wanna do the limit or you need to exit, understandable. But the left lane…Fuck…move the fuck over if you don’t wanna go fast, or take the regular roads. If you are scared to drive on the thruway, meaning, exiting, entering, switching lanes, passing, or being passed, you don’t belong on the thruway. Go sit at traffic lights.


lol word.

Plus, how do you know the dude didnt just find out his mom was in a terrible car accident and was at the hospital ready to die? Then he has some cuntbag like you playing around on the streets with him like an asshole. That last sentence is only true if my first sentence is true.

i bet that was exactly the case. damn you cuntbags

^^ so you dont think that out of a million or so people who drive in wny everyday could be having an issue like that? i mean, is it totally impossible?

Last time I drove like a dick, my mom was still in the amb. on the way to the ER.
Don’t be a panzy on the roads… if you know someone wants to get past you, do the lawful thing and get out of the left lane… obviously thats where you were, or else he would have been able to use the passing lane to safely pass you.

I did 90 on the way to work today, cause my gas light came on and I wanted to be able to coast if I had to. But I did it in the right lane where its ok :wink:

I gotta agree with 99_civic_si, jack and passmcgrass

the left lane is for passing only (on a 2 or more lane road obviously)… if your not passing, you are being the dick. I’ll always move over for someone if they want to pass me, as I know how it feels when I’m in a rush and you have some clown doing 54 in the hammer lane on a 55mph road. Nothing urks me worse than that… sheridan is absolute worst for that lol drives me crazy (everyone doing 5 miles under in the left lane… you can go faster in the driving lane)

buuuuuut, when someone goes and does that shit (tailgating and just being a complete asshole out of nowhere) I guess I cant blame ya for checking 'em

I tailgate when you are going to slow.

I tailgate to tell you to move.

If that doesn’t get through to your head then I’m sorry, but I’m going to be a huge dick.

highbeam flash while tailgaiting = get the fuck out of my way bitch

That is only applicable if you’re in the passing lane. If I’m in the right lane, and the speed limit is 55, and I happen to going 55, stay the hell off my ass. Anyone that could not abide by that is a complete asshole.

HOWEVER, if you’re referring to the left lane, or even middle lane, then yes…get the fuck out of the way. Left lane = passing, middle lane = moderate passing/cruising, right lane = cruising. No further explanation needed.

concur. the “flash on the ass” trick is the british method iirc. meaning: :gtfo:

I agree, if I am driving in the left lane and someone is on my ass going faster than I am, I will move over to let them by. If there is no room to, they will have to wait. I get so cheesed at people going slow in the left lane so I have to apply the golden rule…

Always in the left lane, if it’s one lane, I know i’m fucked.

I tend to agree with you about going along with the flow of traffic and if someone is ahead of me in the far left lane it doesn’t make a whole lotta sense to tailgate the guy just so you can put yourself and other drivers around you in danger. Is getting to your destination 3 minutes faster worth totaling your car and or your body? Yes i agree if he is doing speed limit in the left lane then speed limit is 55 get on him a lil maybe flash the brights. If someone is already 10-15 miles over the speed limit i don’t complain, just enjoy the fact you live in buffalo and there arent usually any traffic jams so you have the ability to do 65 on the way home.