Why can't NYS troopers do this?

Pulling people over for going under the speed limit in the left lane.


pff to just going after those going under the speed limit…if you aren’t doing at least 5 over and there is room/ability to move to the right DO IT. Shit I am a ‘fast driver’ and when I am scooting down the 90 I am in the right lane as much as possible, even if I am doing ~85…sighhhh

Same. Unless I am passing someone, I am moving over to the right/center lane.

Left lane is for passing ONLY.
Center Lane/Right Lane is for cruising.
Right Lane is for merging.

i like that law… but i don’t think 62 in a 65 requires a ticket, unless your blocking a faster car… then get the FUCK out the way!!! lol. I would say going at least 5mph or under would be better if your not blocking anyone.

No, 62 in a 65 in the left lane when no one is in the right lane deserves a ticket. The fact is if you’re doing that you’re clearly oblivious to the rules of the road and to the other cars on it and it’s very unlikely you’re going to move over for anything but a police car coming up behind you.

I practically punted a Neon going 60 with the Expedition in the left lane on the 90 last weekend. Despite a flash of the high beams, a closure rate of 15 mph, and a blast of the horn he still didn’t get over, even with the big Ford logo completely filling his rear window. No cars around, just hanging out in the left lane because he’s a moron.

Being the dick that I am I passed him on the right, got back in front of him, and proceeded to slow down until he finally got over.

umm… im not debating the logic of the law, but if you are on a 1 hour drive or more it is 100% impossible to always be driivng within 5mph of the speed limit in the correct lane the entire time.

3mph under is excessively aggressive ticketing unless the individual was actually causing a problem or had been giving multiple warnings in the past.

There is a big difference between being a hazard on the roadway and being a nuissance on the roadway.

ticketings function in this case is primarly revenue generation, not law enforcement.

the speed really means nothing. the law states that any lane to the left is for passing only. its an unenforced traffic law in NYS that i believe should be enforced. the selfish asshole who thinks its his right to cruise in the left lane is not only breaking the law, but is a danger to the people he is sharing the road with.

It’s a safety issue because a car hanging out in the left lane causes traffic to bunch up.

And it’s one of my major pet peeves because it’s so damn easy to drive properly. Stay right unless you’re passing someone. How difficult a concept is this?

exactly! speed is not the issue. if you’re not passing someone you do not belong in the left lane even if you’re doing 25mph over the limit. i would love if NYS enforced this law!

agreed with pretty much everyone. Wish they’d ticket people for this more often… pisses me off to no end, even if I’m not passing someone and just going with the flow. The worst is when some assclown merges onto the thruway, for example, and goes right for the left lane and not even @ the speed limit yet, and forcing the people chugging in the passing lane to brake and back the traffic up.

not only that, but it would probably prevent a bit of road rage. I’ve been to the point where I had to talk myself out of doing some pretty stupid shit to the fuckers that think it’s ok to do 56mph in the left lane

My grandfather got a ticket for this in NYS years ago. Its called failure to keep right. It just isn’t enforced enough.

I was just in Germany about a month ago and loved the Autobahn and German drivers. There are very stiff penalties for sitting in the left lane. We were driving an A4, moved into the left lane to pass doing 185km/h. Immediately after making the pass moved back into the middle as a BMW 7 series and Benz S500 were quickly on our ass easily doing 220km/h or more. It’s enforced, everyone knows the law, everyone follows the law and traffic moves along great.

in western states this is advertized all the time to not impede traffic. when i was in alaska there were alaskan state trooper commericals on TV for impeding traffic.
and most of the roads up there there were no posted speed limits.

the only time i have ever burried a speedometer in a vehicle was in AK. on alaskan highway 1. from ankorage to fairbanks.

It should be enforced here. Not only on 4 lane highways but roads with two way traffic.

I think the most dangerous thing about slower than the limit drivers around here is when one slow driver on a single lane road holds up 4 or more cars behind it. and drives under the limit. the most dangerous thing happens when a passing chance comes and you get 2 or 3 cars that have to try to get past the car. which causes more of a chance for a head on collision with oncoming traffic.

anyone regularly drive RT-16 northbound from arcade to RT 400 knows how stupidly the traffic can get backed up. and there are passinglanes only in the southbound direction. none northbound.

this is the biggest safety issue in my eyes with failing to keep right. id be interested to know how many accidents were caused by people getting brake checked or side swiped ect… because some proud asshole didnt want to move over for the faster traffic behind him. not only accidents between the two parties involved but im sure alot of innocent motorists get caught up in their mess.

I do that drive daily, and it is complete hell. People do 45mph in the 55 for full stretches from South Wales to Arcade. Completely ridiculous, and I’ve seen a few close calls when people have passed.

i was just reading an article about the 401 in Ontario the other day.

Apparently the Auto manufacturing sector in particular calls up the company in charge of traffic / maintenance etc. etc. every time there is a traffic jam or a slow down and gives them shit.

I would assume in Alaska the refineries and mines are run like clockwork as well…

when a delivery or a pick up is delayed due to traffic it costs tens of thousands of dollars in lost production or inventory rationalization costs…

As a result, the motivation for enforcing certain traffic laws, namely impeding traffic, is based on private sector complaints… not safety.

Pretty interesting read.

Interesting to know. I used to live in Detroit and made that drive onthe 401 from Detroit to Buffalo so many times I can’t count. I will give them credit, the 401 was great to drive on. 95% of people on there knew the rules and would stay out of the left lane.

FYI: NYS troopers DO do this.

my cousin got a ticket for a 48 in a 55.

i told him he was a pu$$y and deserved it.

yah they tought me in defensive driver school that the cop can ticket you if they think youre going too fast/slow depending on the road/traffic conditions. ie yes i could get a ticket for going too slow in the left lane, also i could get one for going 55 in a 55 if its raining… its their discretion

I know a person that just failed her driver’s test because SHE WAS GOING TOO SLOW IN A SCHOOL ZONE!(?)