Traffic rant continued

I drive a lot. I’m typically in Albany twice a week (200 mile round trip), and in the past I’ve commuted an hour to work, driven across the country a few times, etc. Anyway, some common shit that pisses me off…

1)People that are nervous to drive on the highway w/o being close to another car. A lot of these assholes around. Can be somewhat locally found anywhere from exits 23-43 on The Northway. Speed up, slow down, it does not matter, they will alter their speed to try to suck you in.

2)People that speed up when you try to pass them…why?! Since no common destination was agreed upon, it’s not a race.

3)Going back to number 1, people that will match your speed no matter how fast or slow you’re going. When this is done excessively, I simply call the police. Yes, really.

4)Constant lane switches. Pick a fucking lane.

5)“Drive side by side 'ers”. This was touched on in the truck thread, but it’s much simpler for passenger vehicles to avoid this annoyance.

Feel free to add!

This explains all

EDIT: really really REALLY pisses me off is when someone cuts you off and then slams on the brakes for no reason ESPECIALLY ON A FUCKING HIGHWAY

when ppl see a cop there reaction is OMG BRAKES ENGAUGE!!! like on the highway, when you see the car just getting pulled over in teh distance, and the cop is initially walking up to the car, and ppl slam on there brakes, for what? is he going to B LINE to the fucking car and vtech it to YOUR car?

another thing - women drivers.

People usually brake when the cop has somebody pulled over because it’s the law to slow down and move over a lane if possible when passing a cop on the side of the road.

On the northway I just set my cruise control at 75, stay in the middle lane, and pass as needed. I see no reason to get all stressed out over someone else’s driving.

Travis, I’ve noticed each and every one of the points you have made. I call them pretty much the same terms as well. haha

I am armed with the following defense mechanisms against idiotic drivers:

-A refillable airhorn and occasionally a vuvuzela
-A highly attention-grabbing supercharger whine and belt slipping squeal that accommodates the rev-limiter that can be reached by pressing both of the outside pedals on the floor at the same time
-2 (two) middle fingers

your telling me its the law to.

A. See cop giving someone a ticket on the side of the highway
B. move over a lane if possible.
Yes its called noisy ppl that want to hold up traffic bc they blew up there radiator and now everyone sees it at 30 in a 65

Police officer or emergency vehicle. If you’re passing them then yes, it is technically the law.

There’s nothing you can do when the flow of traffic slows down. Driving past a cop at 65 when everyone else is going 30 only makes you look like an idiot.

Regardless, im talking about a normal 3 laned highway. there in the shoulder on the slowlane side, and ppl in the fastlane slow down ALOT like there about to be pulled over. end of story.

EDIT: you must not get out the house enough to notice how stupid ppl are. :lol


The 'fly up behind ‘ers’ when there is ample room to pass. In that scenario, I take no issue with slowing down. I’m sure I care less about my DD than your high-payment daily!

I don’t need to get out of the house. I can accomplish the same thing by reading others’ posts on this forum.

if this is in relation to what ive been saying. im fucking lost. :lol

aaaand I rest my case

rest your case on what. its not driving 110 and then coming up on ppl doing the speed limit.

jesus, its like retelling the joke that someone made to a girl bc she didnt get it.

All im trying to say is, your going the around the speed limit. 70 in a 65 is what everyone does… then you see a cop pulled someone over. blahblah…

Wrong subject brah

cool. ill goto bed now :lol

Please pass me blowing a vuvuzela. I would immediately pull over due to laughter.

I use other cars as a buffer to not get tickets, so if you’re going faster than I am and you see me speed up in the rear view I’m not following you, I’m using your stupid ass to not get tickets.

Case in point, E46 M3 on thruway last week. I do 85ish on the thruway, with the V1, by myself.

E46 M3 rips past me at 110, I maintain a distance, but match the speed for probably 50 miles.

knocked some solid time off the trips total time, did the same thing with a crv on the way back for a shorter distance and the trip was cut to about 2/3s is normal time.

^ I do that all the time

Haha me too. I once got home from Stroudsburg, PA (Poconos) in 2 hours following a nice ass 07ish Accord Coupe (Grey with tinted windows and looked dropped - looked great) from MD. I think he had his cruise set at 110 lol. That’s typically a 3-3.5hr drive for me.


I HATE these dick bags.

  • right lane = DRIVING LANE
  • Middle lane = passing people in driving lane then move back into DRIVING LANE
  • left lane = passing lane then pull back into middle, and then if the chance is there move back into the right lane.

Your one step above the scum that drive 100% of the time in the passing lane, not matter what speed and what congestion rate on the road.

Truck drivers doing that kills me too. I dont care if you think its hard to pass cars, and think the easy way out is to just stick it in the middle lane and call it a day. You get paid to drive, correctly, DO IT. You get paid becasue you have a special skill driving a big ass truck/trailer… if you cant hack it GTFO.

Annnd the cop thing kills me too. I see it all the fucking time. Cop in the middle shooting radar. I see it coming becasue all I see are brake lights coming on at a point in the road. I prepare for it, and never lift. just keep it at 75 and motor right on by these dicks, usually passing on the right becasue the left hand Daytona 500 wana bees pucker right up when they look down the barrel of a laser gun. Its great to see the looks on their faces as i blow by them, becasue they usualy slow down from 75-80 to 55 in a 65 zone, and I do 20+ past their ass and they dont understand why I didnt get pulled over. stupid fucks.

it’s actually a misdemeanor to not reduce speeds 15mph, or move over one lane when passing an emergency vehicle stopped on a highway.