
(This is probably more of a rant post…) What the fuck is the matter with people? Coming down Route 7 after work, I pass someone (on the left) for doing 30. I get to Golf road, and get in the left lane to go through the park towards my house. This jerkoff stops in their lane, flips me off, I return the salute and take my left. They decide to follow me. I hate driving like a bat out of hell, but I just kind of threw caution to the wind. I came to a stop sign with traffic coming, realized I could make it with LOTS of time to spare, and took the turn. That put a few cars between me and Captain Jerkmeoff. Then there are headlights in my driver’s side mirror. What the fuck, seriously? This guy was passing cars in oncoming traffic to get to me. I went way too fast, turned way too fast, and finally got away from the crazy axe murderer. I ended up in St. James’ Square still freaking out. I parked and went to Starbucks and nearly jumped whenever I saw a car pull in. Is this a normal occurance?! Are people really that fucking crazy that they’ll chase you for passing them? Fucking A.


road rage… its to die for. :lol

or burn for

A good reason to keep a tire iron within reach. Ive got one under the seat.

Last year I was ready to beat somebody with a claw hammer after they kept cutting off my brothers truck on 890(I was a passenger). The guy kept swerving at us and cutting us off and then slamming on the brakes in front of us, basically for no apparent reason. I was hoping we’d get off the same exit but he bitched out. I dont know wtf his problem was but we were ready to give him a whole new problem.

You tell 'em Paul!

yesss ppl around here are OBNOXIOUS in every form with no regard to anything, the worst is when ppl box you in so u cant pass, it drives me nuts, Ive lately started resorting to beeping until ppl move, its crazy, ppl go like 20 mph under the speed limit then get in a tissy when you pass them ! :wtf

I’ve had people do that to me a number of times. Once on Route 9 I passed these 2 morons that were doing 35mph in the left lane. They were sleeping at the light at first, so i beeped at them to start moving (they were sitting there for a good 5 seconds before I honked btw) They pulled up next to me and started saying “so you think youre tough because you got a sports car” and all bunch of shit like that. They were in like a 1985 kia hatchback, it was one of the shittiest cars I have ever seen. The muffler was held up with a bungee cord. I politely informed them that the posted speed limit was 45, and that slow traffic should keep to the right and out of the way. They didn’t take this too kindly lol. The light turned green and the guy floored it and cut over 3 lanes of traffic to make his turn :lmao Stupid.

I passed a minivan on 5S around Amsterdam today and nothing happened. I passed it at about 80 in a 55.

I got flipped off by a big rig getting on 90 heading west from exit 24. I was doing 55 (I drive slow for mpg reasons but I keep right) well Im in the far right lane and my lane is about to end so I merge to the left lane and the next car behind me is a big rig about 100ft behind me. So Im sittin in the right lane minding my business doing 55 the big rig is now getting closer and can’t merge left to pass because of traffic. I dont think much of it because it’s really not THAT much of an inconvienence to wait for traffic to clear. So anyways he gets completely on my ass then finally once traffic clears (About 15 whole seconds later) he pulls up next to me and looks down giving me the bird. I waved back and smiled.

You worry about mpg in a car that small? Why? Gas is cheap now and that thing has to get mid 30’s.

dude I drive my shit slow so I get good mpg’s :lol nothin wrong with taht :nuts

The key to road rage is to assault them before they assault you. I would have stopped in traffic and got out of my car. If they have a set big enought to get out of theirs, good luck to them.

I know stories…

You are king of road rage :bowdown

call the police and report them. not worth it anymore.

Aside from throwing rocks at the trucker or something, you are what everyone is talking about here.


but </3.


I cant stand that shit either, I now protect myself…

i would pulled out the ol glock on his ass!!! pop pop


It’s psycho people like that that make worried when riding the bike.

exactly why i sold