2 lanes merging into one: What do you do?

So I’m usually not really one for much road rage, but etiquette in this situation always seems to get me pissed off, from both ends of it. I’m wondering if I’m alone in this. So hypothetically, (I think this is the first “hypothetical” situation on NYSpeed that actually is), consider this situation. I’ve seen a ton of near accidents from people being stupid when this happens.

There’s 2 lanes on a highway merging into one. You’re in the lane that continues, thats full of traffic. The one that ends is open. Someone comes up from behind you in the open lane. What do you do and why?

i always run the fastest lane and cut someone off at the last minute because I don’t care what people think and i wanna get where I’m going

fuck retards

damn, you even beat the poll, nicely done

i will usually let 1 or 2 cars in, but if some fucktard comes flying up next to me and is trying to be a dick about merging in, then i will do everything i can to NOT let them in. i feel that if they cannot be considerate and politely merge into traffic like everyone else, than fuck them.

you pretty much summed up my opinion/actions on the situation. dip in at the last second, do it al lthe time…
a) you get where you are going faster
b) you get to think to yourself and laugh - there are people behind me that are actually going to wait a half an hour while im in the clear
c) you get where you are going faster

lol zwarbt awesome

It really depends on the situation. I normally am the type to let someone in. Now if it is some thing that has been posted for over a mile and there has been room for a while and this person has just been ignoring the signs to try and get ahead, well then I stone wall them. Same for some retard that does the same in construction or an accident on the road that is blocking a lane. Their is always someone who sees the open lane and tries to take it knowing it is blocked off ahead thinks they will squeeze in ahead of everyone, then I block the shit out of them and hope they DIAF. But in any other situation I always let someone in and make room for them to comfortably do so.

I always move in the way and the cockmongrels honk at me and stare me down when they eventually pull up next to me. Whatev, I say. Whatev.

i let a person or two merge in, and don’t worry about it.

EDIT: i do this b/c no matter what, not having an accident is THE most important thing to me.

but why? what are you accomplishing? getting on one car ahead of where you would have been? Some piece of shit pickup nearly put a new BMW into a concrete wall ahead of me today getting on the 33, then like 6 people immediately behind stonewalled him and he almost got rear-ended cause he had to stop dead on a curve where you can’t see that far ahead. i never understood what people had to gain by cockblocking in between lanes, especially one person.

it depends… I’m usually pretty good about letting people in, although if I see them driving like assholes (aka cutting people off and shit) or if I feel that they’re going to be the jackass that does 55 in a 65 (god that annoys me… you try and be a nice guy by letting them in and all they can do in return is block the passing lane), they can suck a d for all I care… they’re waiting

It comes down to the equity issue and when I have to wait I feel everyone else has to do the same. It happens to me all the time heading home from school during rush hour and I swear I’ve almost been in an accident at least once a week from idiots rushing past everyone, then when the 290 splits to the 290 (heading toward the 33 from Main at the fork) they just tap the brakes and fly into the ongoing traffic. I guess you can say I get some of my jollies that way :smiley:

lol this pisses me off to no end… you’ll be stuck in traffic like every other shmuck, in the right lane with nobody behind you (or atleast a huge 6-7 car length gap) and the fucker looking to merge in goes right past you (all the while running out of room on the ramp) and muscles their way in 10+ cars ahead

those are the fuckers that I enjoy screwing with. I’ll go out of my way to fuck them out of getting on a exit ramp/changing lanes/ect if I see it

fuck 'em


man, im definitely THAT guy

fuck all of u that wont let me in. cause in the end. i get out of my car faster

Word. You can usually tell who is trying to gain some ground by purposely ignoring the lane merging signs for as long as possible. Those people I will not let in. But for the people who put their blinker on as soon as possible, go right ahead.

Courtesy to the courteous.

Thanks, that’s what I do and now I don’t have to type it.

check. if they are being an asshole trying to cut in, I will block the shit out of them.

Your welcome.

I maintain a decent space cushion, and if people use it to merge smoothly then so be it. I always let people in if they’re willing to merge properly in a way that doesn’t cause me to slow down.

If I see a dickfor like zwarbyt :slight_smile: who’s afraid of coming in last come flying down the ending lane intending to swerve in at the last second causing everyone behind him to hit the brakes, I move over and block them. It’s those assholes that cause the slowdown in the first place because everyone has to slow down to let him in, so I’m doing my part to help.

It’s not like I’m realistically going to get where I’m going any more than a few seconds later than those who are too hopped up on goofballs to merge safely and properly.