To The A$$hole on the 219N in the Beige LeSabre or Whatever...

People merging onto the highway from the on-ramp have the right of way, asshole. Know how to fucking drive…

less posting from your phone and more driving :stuck_out_tongue:

Cause I’m sure someone on here drives a beige lesabre…

seriously, people merging from an on ramp have the right of way?


get er done

Yes. I took the insurance reduction class and that was one of the things I learned. If you think about it, it makes sense.

This kid had a hat on backwards and was driving his whip all gangster. It totally reeked of NYSpeed/UBRF…

when did they change that rule?


I always have been told thats the way it is.

What I usually do when merging onto a highway is:

-full throttle down the on-ramp
-beep 5-6 times
-crank wheel and cut to the fast lane as fast a possible

But maybe because I drive a civic people have more respect and want to move so I have optimal driving room and am comfortable. :gotme:

Par for the course as usual… Don tells a “joke” that no one gets nor is funny… :wink:

lol doesnt the russian have a lesabre???

as far as i see it he who has the bigger truck has the right of way lol

that’s what Im thinking

if there is no yield sign, yes, cars coming from a ramp have the right of way. Basically if the ramp lane creates a new lane on the thruway, ramp drivers have the right of way.

ALSO, since you are such a great driver, you should also assume that nobody on the road is 100% knowledgable of the rules, and you should be more cautious yourself.


Another thing i hate is when turning onto a two lane road and someone on the opposite side is turning on to the same road at the same time. Then they cut across the lane to get to the outer one. Your supposed to turn onto the closer one and then signal over to the outer lane you friggin retards. I just always assume people are going to do that now so i don’t get hit.

isn’t that a law as well.I always make that left and get all kind of looks.Hey we each have our own lane,so learn how to drive.

a merging lane doesn’t have the right of way. They wouldn’t post yellow 45mph on them if they did have this right.


Ughhhh… YES!

NOONE stays in the right lane when they are making a right onto a 2-lane road. Pisses me off soo much, and I’ll never make that left to the left lane if there is a car making a right turn.