To The A$$hole on the 219N in the Beige LeSabre or Whatever...

i think he lives in rochester though…

Matt i would really like to hear your reasoning to this. I find it very hard to believe that if you are established in the far right lane of a highway with a merging lane on your right side, that a vehicle has the right-of-way in a lane you are already driving in. Doesn’t make sense to me at all.

Any time a vehicle changes lanes, the lane changer is always yielding to traffic in the lane they intend to move to. Correct me if i’m wrong, but merging lane speeds onto a thruway are reduced for this reason.

what on ramp? i live in springville so i see people do dumb shit getting on the 219 all the time, my favorite is the genesee on ramp on 219n, this one lane shit has to end

  1. i live in rochester. 2. i drive a RED lesabre lol 3. i dont wear a hat. lol

The on-ramp ends, the highway does not. Call NYS and ask them if you don’t believe me. Unless the on-ramp has a yield or a stop sign, the ramp has the right of way.

I can see why… but I can also see why not.

I hate when there is no room but if it didn’t have the right of way… what are you supposed to do when no one letes you in and you run out of room?

However I hate how people coming up the off ramp just start to move over expecting it to be clear. I’ve almost been in a few accidents because I wasn’t able to get out of the “slow lane” to let someone one because of cars in front of, behind, and to the left of me.

I have almost been in numerous accidents being in the slow lane doing a nice 65 and the people on the on ramp immediately merge doign 45. GET UP TO speed, theres enough room.

it makes no sense for the onramp traffic to have the right of way. sure, if the highway is empty it makes sense for someone to be courteous and move or slow for on ramp traffic, but its not a guaranteed right of way. the highway is generally filled with much more, faster moving traffic, and it would make a very unsafe condition if everyone on the highway had to slow down and/or change lanes to accomodate onramp traffic. it would also severely impede smooth traffic flow on the highway. if someone on an onramp just merged into busy highway at 45mph without looking and hit someone or cut someone off and caused an accident, do you think the person driving on the highway would be at fault?

this is also why you see the dotted lines separating the offramp section from the right lane. the person on the ramp is actually changing lanes into the right lane from the ramp.

its somewhat akin to a traffic circle, in which all of the roads are in effect ‘off’ and ‘on’ ramps to the circle. the cars in the traffic circle have the right of way, and if the people entering had the right of way, traffic would never flow through the circle.

can you post a source? calling NYS is like saying “just call the president”

i understand the merge lane ends…but if a merge lane has the right-of-way… your forcing traffic which is already up to speed to either slow down or change lanes. I also took a similar road coarse and i was told merging lanes have to yield.

i’ve been searching and having difficulty finding the key words to pull up documents. I’ll post what i find as i find them. un-bias results:

Nevada State Law:

MERGING ON A FREEWAY: The existing law has been clarified: Motorists entering a controlled-access highway must yield to traffic already on the highway. (10/01/03 - SB77 - NRS 484-322)

Minnesota State Law:
“You must yield to other vehicles when you are Merging”

NYS Department of Motor Vehicles, Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee[/left]

[size=2] (not law)[/size]

Merging – When traffic permits, move out of the right hand acceleration lane of a freeway to allow vehicles easier access from on-ramps.

[size=7]NEW YORK STATE DRIVERS MANUAL (the “End All” answer)


[/color][/size]"Unless there is a STOP or YIELD sign or traffic light on the entrance ramp, use the ramp to accelerate to expressway speed and blend with traffic. Signal, then look over your shoulder for approaching traffic already on the expressway. If necessary, slow down to safely merge into traffic. If the entrance lane is too short to allow acceleration to expressway speed, the safest way to enter is to stop and wait for a large gap in traffic. Then enter the expressway and accelerate quickly. To avoid conflicts with other entrance lane traffic, stop only if necessary and merge into expressway traffic as soon as possible.

As you drive on the expressway, be sure to signal all lane changes and check over your shoulder to be sure you will not cut off any vehicles behind you. Make sure your directional signal goes off after you change lanes.

Stay alert for traffic entering ahead. If possible, move out of the right lane as you approach entrances to allow more room for merging traffic."

looks like you owe the asshole on the 219N in the Beige LeSabre an apology. :ohnoes:

this post was made for the sole purpose of saying: “I made 5 posts in a row”

i like the little races that take place when people want to merge into the right lane in front of as many people as possible.

i tend to treat people as they treat others…
if they race though traffic like an ass, i give them as little room as possible just
to frustrate and incovenience them…

people suck and can’t drive, everyone gets 1 freebee because ive screwed people unintentionaly just like everyone else.

my fav are the morons out there that DONT merge…likethey are getting into a completly new lane that suddenly appears from their merge lane…cause the thruway expands an extra lane every time there is an onramp :bloated:

My biggest complaint actually comes from people who are getting off at the same exit you are trying to get on…for some unknown reason they feel hte need to speed up, cut you off and not let you merge into traffic, even though they need to slow down to get off, and I need to speed up to get on, those people deserve a nice PIT into a guardrail

the biggest tip i remember from my INsurance reduction course… is Nobody has the right of way Till SOMEONE gives it to you.

You cant Get the right of way from what lane your in or where your driving.

YOu can only give up the right of way by letting someone have it.

“the right of way is yours to give, not to take” - cant remember

zing bitch

Yep, whoever is already established on the roadway has the right of way over someone trying to enter the roadway. They just tell you in safety classes that people merging from an onramp have the right of way as a safety technique, encouraging you to drive courteously and let people merge. It doesn’t mean that you get to “claim” the right of way and cut people off, force others to change their positions to accomodate you.
