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What is wrong with people to make them incapable of making legal turns? On a VERY consistent basis, I’ve experienced other drivers making wide turns into lanes which they don’t belong. Whether it’s a right turn ending in the middle or left lane, or a left turn ending in the middle or right lane, people can’t seem to keep their turns under control. Usually I blame their oversize SUVs for not being able to make a tight turn, but even then, what it REALLY comes down to is speed. If these people would just slow down, they could make the turn properly.
Just the other day, I’m making a right-on-red from Youngs onto Main. Figure I was coming from ECC North trying to head down Main towards Transit. There were green left turning arrows for Youngs onto Main. I accept that I didn’t have the right-of-way to make a right turn onto Main, but if everyone was making legal turns, I should be in the clear to make my turn into the right lane on Main (that rhymes). Of course, this is all in theory and in a utopian world. So I sit and hesitate to turn, because most of the cars are not ending up in the left lane. I finally see some smaller non-SUVs, and figure they can handle the turn. I start my turn onto Main, and a Dodge 300 or Magnum swerves right into my lane in front of me. I lay on the horn - useless, I know, but maybe they’ll begin to understand the errors they make.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in a double-left or double-right turning lane (WITH DASHED LINES PAINTED ON THE F*&@ING ROAD TO SHOW THE CORRECT PATH) where some idiot makes up their own rules and ends up in my lane.
Why can’t people learn this one simple facet of driving?
but seriously im sure everyone here understands what you are saying… however if you are in that situation and NOT expecting the other car to suck at sticking to their lane then you are just way too naive of a driver : / i go about it expecting them to be gaysex :hay:
that pisses me off too … the law is that your supposed to turn into the NEAREST LANE … even if you have to wait !
if om coming north and our coming south, met at an instersecion and were both turning to go west on a road taht has 2 lanes , there should be enough room for us both to turn onto the street at the same time
and honestly, i dont give a fuck about if you want my lane or not, im turning into my near lane … if your trying to turn into the same lane your getting cut off
eh… i drive like there arent even any lanes on the road. anywhere where there isn’t a car is fair game. shoulder? whatever.
i drive like an asshole, and i could really give a fuck. I drive almost a quarter mile into an oncoming traffic lane every evening because i don’t feel like waiting at the goddamn light. sometimes oncoming traffic has to slow down or stop to allow me to make it. its funny to see the looks on peoples faces as i am barelling towards them in their own lane.
After a bit of searching, I came up with the California rules, which make it legal to make a left into any lane, as long as it’s safe. I wonder though, would my car turning into the right lane make it “unsafe,” thus limited the left turner into the left lane? What if they hit me? My fault? Theirs? The lane was unsafe, I was in it. I’d say it’s their fault.
Left turn from a two-way street. Start the turn in the left lane closest to the middle of the street. You may complete the turn in either lane of the cross street (as shown by arrows) if it is safe to do so. You must use a left turn lane if there is one. A left turn from the next lane may be made if signs or arrows show it is okay.
Right turn. The vehicle is turning correctly. Do not swing wide into another lane of traffic. Begin the turn in the lane nearest the right-hand curb and end in the lane nearest the right-hand curb. You may start a right turn from other than the far right lane only where pavement or overhead mark-ings show that using that lane for a right turn is permitted.
the right on red is the lowest entity on the right of way heirarchy…
the worst is the dual turning lane thing… i dont know how many times i’ve had to swerve to avoid some wide turner whilst in the outermost turning lane from duke onto walden.
yea, as long as there isnt another car trying to make the same turn onto a street, w/e lane is fare game , i agree with that
when they were doing the bridge at clinton / transit i used to ALWAYS use the oncoming traffic lane to get around the bottle neck so i could go left onto clinton and circle around to get back to transit and down my street … oh well … screw it … hell ive had cops watch me do it too
I like turning from the BLVD to Sher.Dr. and holding my line in the middle/right turning right lane… you get my drift.
The person on the inside thinks they can take the middle lane when they get onto sheridan, but I pace them and make them swerve towards the median to get their asses over.
i think most people’s inability to stay in their lane throughout a two lane turn pisses me off way more. (walden/union, galleria dr/union, 33 east/genesee, etc…) if i had a beater truck i swear to fuck id just stay in my supposed lane and ram them.
i see your point though, but you are making a right on red so i believe they have the right of way.
What percentage of the driving population should actually be driving? Seriously… there is far more the one simple facet taht get;s over looked every goddamned day. You drive actively and do Your best to avoid the assholes.
This is the way I drive and this is the major reason that I’ve been in one minor accident in 9 years of driving. This is also the way that I teach others to drive.
What if I am making a left onto a 2 lane rd. but the driveway that I need to enter is less than 15 ft. from the intersection and on the opposite side of the rd? I would have to make my left turn into the right hand lane so I could enter the driveway.
Skrappar your right. You have no right of way when you are making a right on red…
Especially when oncoming traffic has a green arrow. This isn’t Cali, or Florida… though some of their highway rules are great, their traffic as a whole sucks ass
that pisses me off too a little, but i do it sometimes too when the person turning left infront of me is slow, so i’ll turn left into the right lane and pass them. (i dont care if its illegal)
what also pisses me off is when i’m goin to my house and someone needs to swerve all the way to the left side of the road to make a right into the driveway
those people really piss me off. so when i make a right onto this 3 lane road by my house i take a REALLY long time because i know that they are just waiting to make a crazy wide turn into the 3rd lane. and sure enough, they wait. every single time. it’s not like they are going to be making a right anytime soon either. they just think it’s the correct way i guess?
When I was trying to teach my friend to drive, I was telling her that if you make a left, you should always go into the lane closest to you, and when it’s clear, you can move over. She simply would not understand the concept, and said “No one even follows that rule, so why should I?” I just wanted to yell so bad.
It is true that no one follows that rule, but if you’re in the 1% that does, I consider you a better driver then everyone else.
I also think that there should be a manditory law that there should be “checkpoints” in your driving “career.” What I mean is, after you reach a certain age, you should have to be reminded of the rules of the road, and take a road test again. Maybe like… when you turn 30, 55, 80… I can’t stand bad drivers.
I take it this was on your way back from where ever you went when you rolled through the stop sign on the little shortcut road to get from Main to Youngs? At least you almost stopped.
I was the big maroon suv right behind you. Nice move to just barely get out in front of the traffic that got the green light at Youngs & Main. We must go to lunch about the same time because I see your car a lot.
EDIT: Back to your post though, you’re in the wrong. Right on red vs a guy with a green arrow, you’ll always be in the wrong. From the NYS driver manual:
You may make a right turn at a steady red light after coming to a full stop and yielding the right-of-way to oncoming traffic and pedestrians. You may make a left turn at a steady red light when turning from a one-way road into another one-way road after coming to a full stop and yielding the right-of-way to oncoming traffic and pedestrians.
So even if you think “hey, I can use this lane, you can use that lane”, they don’t have to give you that lane. You have to yield to them.