What is your automotive nemesis?

Anything that pisses you off when you’re driving. Could be what people do to their cars, what they do while they’re driving or a certain make or model that annoys you.

Post em up!

  • I hate it when people drive like jackasses then give you the finger. … :finga:
  • I hate mustangs. . .and minivans . … :rolleyes:

I hate everyone on the road

Pickup Trucks.

Cabbies and people who ride your ass when in a school zone.

people who dont even drive the speed limit, or just poor drivers who seem oblivious to everything around them.

I hate people in trucks who fucken speed up and slow down on your ass as if they’ll persuade every little vehicle on the road to bow down to their massive ford and move over.

I hate people who slow almost to a stop in a freeflow, and I hate people who will continue driving in the right hand lane on a highway despite the left being open when they see you waiting to merge.

I do hate mustangs too…

people who drive reaalllly slow. and people who leave their signal light on for 10 km’s

I agree 100%. Sometimes when they do this I let off the gas and go really slow then when they go to pass me I drop a couple gears and stomp it.

Slow people in the left hand lane.

I don’t really care if they drive slow at least do it in the proper lane

This is going to be quite a list:

Lancers and SRT4s have to top the list simple because of their cockiness and strange need to challenge me at every light I stop at. Next on the list has to be people badging their cars with badges that never have graced that chassis before, such as the Cavalier SS or people who think the more letter/words behind the name makes it go faster.

The most annoying is everyone who won’t let you merge even though its a law.

^^lol, theres a vid on streetfire.net, this guy had a mustang GTR

People driving slow in the fast lane blows, or people who get beside someone and then dont open up a passage for the faster moving cars.

People who do stupid things and then try to blame you and then honk and swear at you…

I hate the guy the drives the black Intrepid with the tinted windows and the tail pipe that bends up and the end. He used to have a NOS sticker on it, wtf for is beyond me. He always does the fly by to me like he’s the hottest shit.

I hate when people drive WAYY to close to me.
I hate when a speed freak drives at the perfect speed beside someone who is driving slow so they stay right beside them just to piss you off.

Haha, that guys a fucking douche, and he came to the autocross and was revving his gay engine in the parking lot… :roll:

hate when ppl switch lanes without looking, or get on the far right lane at a traffic light and is not turning right oh how can i forget HATE when ppl go under the speed limit :guns

You realize what you wrote right? People who drive under the LIMIT? It’s a maximum not a minimum. I don’t drive under the limit very often, but when road conditions are shit I’d rather go slow than end up dead.

All of the above.

And below.

most bunkest thing about driving,

is when people don’t know the fuckin’ laws of the road,

and hold people up.

like, not turning right at a red light, when there’s no one coming!

or, going way under the speed limit in one lane traffic,

or not turning left when you have an advance light, and taking forever to realise it’s on.

people on cellphones,

people who leave signal lights on,

and my personal favorite,

FWD Honda “Drifters” in winter, who do it when it’s like, 7PM out. . .

fuck sakes.


the fuck is wrong with people drifting in front wheel drive cars in winter. I know for one its fun as shit. Everyone is entitled to their fun…

2 Lane highways when your going faster then someone and they don’t pull over to the shoulder a bit so you can just pass them. SHOW SOME COURTESY!