What is your automotive nemesis?

old ppl on the road. 99% of them cant drive past 65yrs old.

I agree with you there pal!

I just think that it’s kinda dumb to do it with other traffic around when you have no idea what you are doing!

lol .

i hate riced out sunfires who want to race me all the time in the broad daylight with a million other cars around…how stupid can you get.

i dont understand stop and go traffic… like on the deerfoot… i understand slowing down for congestion, but actaully stopping, then going, stopping, going, stopping, going… its cus everyone races up to the bumper in front of them, then slows down, cus they are riding up there ass…

it makes me mental

I am down with that^^^.

i think my greatest nemesis is… edmonton roads the constant autox

^^ yeah i can’t believe how shitty the roads are in Edmonton. … it’s actually better in Yellowknife :rolleyes:

I hate it when there’s a “blockade” of vehicles on the major highways. They both drive like molasses side-by-side and won’t let you pass. . . and for the most part they are minivans . …

FWD drifting great! I do it in our minvan, the kids love !

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People who don’t let you merge
People who stop in a free flow lane
People who don’t know how to drive in a traffic circle
Tailgaters (especially in bad weather)
People in the inside lane of a dual left turn who decide they want to be in the outside lane
In general, clueless people who don’t know the rules of the road

The list goes on…

Regarding the “driving slow in the fast lane”:

Doesn’t the “fast lane (left)” only exist on highways. Due to the fact that there are left hand turns and other abrupt obstacles (pedestrian, crosswalk, lights, etc) on city roads, I was always under the impression the “fast lane” is non existant in the city, that both lanes are just lanes, since they can both turn off into several exits, lights, turns at any moment.

I just bring it up because Ill be driving in the left lane going at a good pace (60 or a bit over(in a 60zone), depends on flow of traffic) and theres always some knob who has to ride my ass, pass and overtake me, and all just to end up at the same left hand turn at the lights coming up. Messed.

Anthoney heandy, whitemud, yellowhead (where there are overpasses) and many more MAJOR roads.

On side steets is not feesable but on major roads it is,

Go to Calgary and drive, people know the difference between a yield sign and merge sign and to keep right, especialy on deerfoot

toronto it doesnt matter street or hwy your going slow get on the right hand side, you do the limit get on the right hand side … you go under the limit get off the road or the nice cop will give you a ticket for obstructing flow of traffic.

HONDA Shitvics and their go fast stickers

im scared to drive my car because my brand new exhaust is going to fall off the hangers


i second or third(lost count) people who put badges on, that have to relation with the vehicle, i saw i old man driving a toyota corolla with all these canadian tire stickers then one big one saying type r on the door

just to piss a lot of people off I’m gonna’ put a Spec. B badge on the Legacy GT hee hee, no one would know!

Anthoney heandy, whitemud, yellowhead (where there are overpasses) and many more MAJOR roads.

On side steets is not feesable but on major roads it is,

Go to Calgary and drive, people know the difference between a yield sign and merge sign and to keep right, especialy on deerfoot[/quote]

I can definetly agree to that.

My automotive nemesis: Sumaru’s :finga:

I hate it when I have an itch on my heel or the bottom of my foot and I have to take off my shoe and sock to get it good.

people who drive the same speed side by side on a 2 or even 3 lane road oblivious to all the other traffic around and the lineup of cars waiting to get around any one of them.

Also people who slow down to drive beside and point and look at my car when I am trying to get around them.

Trucks made me scared