You know what really grinds my gears.

You guys really want to know what grinds my gears! When I am driving and what do I see. A stupid Chevy Cavilier with a body kit, rims, exhaust etc etc. WTF is with that. If your going to spend money put it into a car that will actually look and sound good. Another thing having a sh**y Honda Civic and throwing a 3" exhaust on it? Soundsssssss HORRIBLE! Kinda harsh but its reality. Neons, Caviliers, Sunfires etcc are not cars meant to be modified. At least thats what I think. And that is one of the many things that grind my gears.

:{ :{ :{

i agree but i have to say man i have seen few of em that actually look goog and sound great infact don’t judge the ride just its driver alot of people out there care about the looks than performance. and most people who spend money on the look are the people who just got their first car anf they’re all happy about it…"D

I hear what ur saying but thats my main point. The cars that look good but sound like crap. People neglect the performance aspect. Thats what i was saying about a crap honda civic and just throwing an exhaust on it. They think ohhhh yea its sick. noooo it sounds horribleeeeee. I just dont really see a point to modifiing a cheap sh** car. I would neverrrr waste money on a car like that. Like there r ppl who put exhausts on hyundai accents and think its cool. NOT AT ALLLLLL! hahah

I dont see a problem with people personalizing their cars…we are all different people and like different things.

i have both a cavalier and a 240. and i dont see how putting a performance muffler on a stock 240, compared to a muffler on a stock cav would sound much different. my cav however is stock and my 240 modified. but i have seen many nice cavs and TONS of nice civics. just depends on how you go about doing it. and overall personal preferance.

It’s really up to the owner of the car and what they like. Cavilier, Civic, 240, Skyline, Neon, and RSX can be made to sounds like shit. But the person who owns the car must like it. and body kits pretty much are the same way. I dislike them for the most part. But than there are people who love them.

It all really come down to taste.

Yea these r all 100% tru. As i dont like them i guess other ppl do.

I agree.

Not everyone likes it. I definately do not, but if you really think about it, would you bad mouth or think badly of a person because they walk around with black lipstick, a mo-hawk and black painted nails? It’s discrimination and a car is nothing but what someone wears. Just like a Hijab (Female Head Scarf) that signifies not only their religion, but the group of believers they belong to. Do you think badly of someone that wears a Hijab?

The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms says, Section 2, Subsection B, “Everyone has the fundamental freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression, including freedom of the press and other media of communication;”

To further that, I’m not sure of the Cavalier, and I didn’t read all the cars, but the Neon has cars, sponsored by Mopar that are equipped as racecars. They endorse the car in races and equipped in racing form. You said that these cars are not meant to be modified, but the Neon was, and many others were from the factory as well. Dodge even made a light weight SX2.0 with nothing but a radio and a turbo charged engine that was the second fastest car in the Dodge lineup for a short year. Meant for the racetrack but sold on the streets. There are cars out there that are fast but were never put in the spot light like that.

I’m sure that a bunch of Ferrari/Lamborghini guys look at us and think exactly the same thing. If you saved for a few more years you could actually own a REAL sports car. Why would you waste your time not driving a Ferrari??? It’s not about saving and it’s not about whether it’s a Ferrari or not. It’s personal taste and attainability.

This is tru. Everyone has there own taste in cars and what they like done to it. To me i dont think its practical. But thats just me. I am a Nissan owner and i love my 240. Its all about preference.

haha thats sick:R and i agree with what popcorn said…:smiley:

what’s wrong with a civic?
civics are great cars… and there are a shitload of fast ones.

if its your car you can do what you want with it

i agree its not my taste but i see nothing wrong with it.

them trying to race me every 3 seconds i do not like.

stop the hate on the boards, be positive.