Comedian making fun of ricers

honda , toyota, or mitsu… no nissan :D:D

Ive heard that on sirius but its alot longer on there. Makes me laugh everytime.

hating on civics:A ! im officially this guys new biggest fan:D

lol weed wacking a lawn at 75mph haha

lol thats jokes… civics suck… wing on a fwd LOL hydroplane hahah… good one

the shopping cart thing is funny…theres one for my car thats really high…by stillen…always thought it made the car look like a cart haha

nice avatar thing rick lol

the watatar?

leave me alone im sick!!! lol the thing underneath ur car

^^ Ex-Civic owner :#

hahaha, that was great.

check list for the stero system and crossing it out with a sharpie…
and the wing to push the car home like a shopping car when i breaks down hahaha.

BUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA the muffler part is so damn true LMFAO!!!

Ahem, I believe you are well acquainted with this car?

bboouurrnnsss lol

i believe a “oh snap” is in order.


well if you guys didnt know his civic was crazy fast its not liek the cars that guy spoke of that you hear coming with the load ass mufflers and dont pass you until 10mins. i think Zeps woudl have blow by as soon as you heard it… lmao TURBO BABY…


There’s nothing wrong with Civics. I used to one one and it was a great car. Great platform for modding, relatively inexpensive, good on gas, and it had the potential (via boost) to be stupid fast on a stock block (those things are great).

Bashing Civics as a Nissan owner makes no sense, since most of their cars will outlast our cars big time. And Honda engines are much more reliable than ours, too.

There ain’t a problem with civics when they’re used for what they’re designed for: Cheap transportation, easy on gas.

I profess as an '02 Civic, and '01 Accord driver, they’re great reliable cars. (haven’t been to service for any malfunctions/defects). I however cringe at the one’s with like the video stated, bench wings, and outrageous graphics. Rick’s looked swell.

My family came from a Lincon Navigator and BMW 525i… wicked cars, but $$$ to run. My dad’s daily commute (back then, I was in gradeschool) was ~80km’s/day with the Nav… can anyone say money hole? Mom didn’t like the rear end kicking out on RWD, was bought used, so it had a few mechanical problems here and there, so to the Accord we go.

Different needs, different priorities, different cars.